Eye For An Eye - Peter Pan

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Peter Pan x fem!reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 444

Summary: Being Peter's lost girl the only thing he cares about and Rumple threatening your life.

Authors Note: I thought of some lines and made this.

"Who are they?" Y/n asked standing next to Peter overlooking the odd group of adults arguing. Something told her in the back of her mind that she knew them. But she couldn't place from where.

"No one to concern yourself with love." Peter stated, pushing some strands of her hair back behind her ear. Peter smiled at how she nodded just believing him without a second thought. He had fogged her memories not long after they met, he didn't want her to be against him. He wanted to keep her. "Why don't you go check on the lost boys."

"What about you?" Y/n asked tilting her head, looking at him with wide innocent eyes.

"I'll be there soon, love." He smiled back, his eyes twinkling which just mistified Y/n.

"Kay" she nodded giving him a kiss on the cheek before heading off to the lost boy's campsite.

"You can show yourself Dark One." Peter spoke as he turned around looking off to where he knew the Dark One was watching.

"Hello, Pan." Rumple greeted with disgust.

"What do I owe this visit to?" Pan smirked holding his arms out, knowing it would annoy the dark one.

"You know why we're all here, Pan." he answered with a sneer. He was more than annoyed with the boy in front of him.

"Ah, yes you all want your precious Henry back. Hate to tell you he has something I need." Peter shrugged his shoulder up in a careless manner. Peter needs the heart of the truest believer, and no one is gonna stop him.

"Not just Henery." Rumple stated, hoping to find out more about Pan's plan.

Peter nodded knowing who he meant. A certain Y/h/c-ed girl who was just with him. "Well, you and your buddies are going to be leaving empty handed."

"I could just kill you and take them back with me. Or I could take your little lot girl, is that what you're calling Y/n now? I could take her from you and force you to give us Henery?" Rumple played with Pan's mind on purpose, trying to get Peter to slip up.

"If you so much as think about hurting her I won't hesitate to kill your perfect little Belle." Peter rushed up to him, threatening him. Eye for an eye, if he touched Y/n, he'd touch Belle.

Rumple narrowed his eyes but kept his composer. "Why'd you take Y/n to begin with? She has nothing to do with all this."

"All in due time, Rumple." Pan smirked before vanishing. Still leaving Rumple with no answers closer than when he first showed up.

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