Not All Mermaids - Peter Pan

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Peter Pan x reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 299

Summary: mermaids aren't all evil

Authors Note:


"Your back again. Miss me already?" Y/n winked coming up from under the water? After seeing Peter fly over to the lagoon.

"Well, it is my island." Peter smirked, moving to sit down on a couple rocks by the mermaid.

She tilted her head and squinted "from what I heard you use to never visit the lagoon because of things like me."

Peter nodded "you mean mermaids. Yes, usually your kind only try to kill. Your different."

"How so?" Y/n asked tilting her head the opposite side as before

"You haven't tried to kill me." he quirked his lips giving her a lopsided smirk

"Not all of us like to kill." Y/n muttered looking down. She hates that, that's what her kind is known for. Peter saw her start to close up, he could tell by how she answered that it bothered her how her kind is known. So he splashed her to cheer her up, change the mood. "Hey!" Y/n squealed in shock and then splashed him back.

After a while of splashing eachother and laughing Peter just watched her smiling "why do you stay here?"

"What do you mean?" she asked wondering what he meant

"I know mermaids can travel through dimensions, Love. Why do you stay in Neverland?" he clarified moving a stran of hair behind her ear.

"I think I've fallen in love with the King of Neverland." Y/n explained, looking down to hide her blush.

Peter tilted his head. "There are no Kings in Neverland just me." he smirked.

"I know" she murmured under her breath turning away from him

Peter turned his smirk into a smile, putting his forefinger under her chin to tilt her head up to meet his eyes "I believe I've fallen for you to."

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