Valentine, Quidditch, and Distractions are over.

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Pansy was next to her bed, preparing for another day of classes. She started to fold one of her robes, and a black book fell from it. Parkinson kneeled down to take it with a frown on her face. She studied the book and then remembered her last stop at Myrtles's bathroom.

She saw the book again and felt a strange sensation as if the book was asking her to write in it. She opened the book, but there was nothing in it. "An empty old book," she murmured to herself. She put the book on the bedside table and then wrote a small note saying, 'I am beautiful.'


The door of the room was slammed open furiously by Mellicent. The sound startled Pansy, who shut the book. Millicent eyed her and then continued walking to her room. Behind Bulstrode was Greengrass, who was giggling.

Pansy then opened the book, but the few words she wrote were not there, "Argh." Daphne looked at her Pansy, who only said that she lost her page.

"Is that so? Maybe you should buy better ink so the pages won't stick to each other", said Greengrass. Her voice was of satisfaction, and the smirk on her face made Pansy angrier.

The 'Slytherin princes' stood up, grabbed a clean robe, put the book inside one of the pockets, and left the room.

When she arrived at the common room, Harry was already there. A chocolate box in his hand. He approached her and said, "Happy Valentine's Day".

Pansy rolled her eyes, "The same for Granger, I suppose."

Harry looked at her and shrugged, "Not exactly. Her parents had banned me from giving her any chocolates. They are dentists and don't like that".

Pansy raised one eyebrow at Harry while he started to walk. Harry noticed Pansy's expression and decided to explain, "Not Wizards can't use magic to fix teeth, and their bone structure does not have the same constitution as ours. Thus, their bones, and in this case, their teeth, are easily weakened by certain substances. Sugar is one of them... that and the problem with sugar ruse".

Pansy frowns again at the last part. Harry scratched his chin, trying to find a way to explain it, "Sugar rose made people have way too much energy... in other words, it would turn you into a Lovegood for a while".

Pansy shuddles at the image of her acting like Luna Lovegood, and then she slowly closes the chocolate box she is about to open. Harry smiled, "Don't worry, only not wizards have that problem."

Harry and Pansy walked together to the Great Hall. Before entering, they saw Dean and Hermione. Before getting closer, Harry threw a small chocolate ball wrapped in red to Dean, who caught it quickly.

Once close, Harry gave Hermione a small box with white sweets. "White Chocolates?" asked Hermione.

"Nope. It's Coco and other sweets."

"Oh, thanks," replied Hermione, and then she saw Pansy's hands holding a similar box, but Pansy's was bigger.

Suddenly, from behind Harry, two arms appeared on his shoulders. Harry's reflections made him turn fast enough, pulling his arms away from his shoulder and extending his right arm, ready to cast an offensive spell.

"Wow, Suzuki," "Calm down." Said the pair of identical voices of the Weasley twins.

Harry put his arm down. And the twins shook their heads." We are disappointed, right Fred?"

"We surely are, George," said the other twin.

Harry rolled his eyes, took two chocolates wrapped in pink, and threw them to them. The twins reacted on time and grabbed the chocolates.

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