The Doctor looked on in deep concern, believing Cipher had actually killed Neas.

However, as the line sunk into her skin and dress, Elvara stiffened and requested, "Could somebody pull my arms?"

"What?" The Doctor frowned.

"I just need someone to pull my opposite directions."

On that clarification, the Doctor knew exactly what she was requesting. It was very similar to a recent occurrence where he required the same instruction. He gestured for Wendy to stand at one side of Elvara while he stood at the other, both of them gripping an arm and pulling as if she were a wishbone.

Before everyone's very eyes, Elvara split into two.

            However, from out of her right side emerged a completely different woman – a young Japanese-American redhead with long hair and evenly cut bangs

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However, from out of her right side emerged a completely different woman – a young Japanese-American redhead with long hair and evenly cut bangs. She wore articles of Elvara's dress and articles of clothing from the bizarre form of regeneration, such as a pair of black, elbow-length gloves. Elvara, on the other hand, was left standing in nothing but her bra and the skirt of her dress.

Looking at each other with only a beam of regenerative energy between them, both women gasped, "What the hell?!"

Even Bill Cipher was flabbergasted. "My sentiments exactly!"

The Doctor smiled big and wide, recognizing this sudden phenomenon. "Keep pulling!" he instructed the confused Wendy, who did as the Doctor ordered.

Both Elvara and the young redhead were successfully separated.

Wendy was left clinging to the arm of the latter, while the Doctor had the former.

"Someone tell me what is goin' on!" the redhead demanded.

"THAT'S WHAT I WANNA KNOW!!!" Cipher thundered.

The Doctor looked up at the Nightmare Demon, playfully scratching the back of his left ear. "It's quite simple, Mr. Cipher. It's a fairly new process. I've become a bit of an expert of it recently. It's called 'bi-generation'."

"Bi-generation?!" Elvara and her redheaded successor bafflingly exclaimed.

"Bi-generation?!" Cipher uttered in the same context. "That sounds stupid!"

"Call it what you want, but here's the evidence," the Doctor gestured to the two Gladiators.

"Whatever," Cipher scoffed. "How 'bout I just crush you like I should've done!"

It was then that he increased his size and mass to gigantic proportions, dwarfing Hook's ship and its occupants. At such a size, Cipher was certain to do more than just crush the two Gladiators – he would've completely obliterated the ship itself and everyone on it.

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