The Return

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Winter is approaching and the days are counting down, the closer it is to Christmas, but what every student must pass first is the exam.

There are sudden changes in this small town, and as much as Celine never truly believed in miracles, her Papa's prayer worked. Not soon after, there is the news about the return of Michèle Magnan and Alain Laubrac who ran away last school year.

Celine didn't know how much impact these two had to cause the stir in the school from every student till the Dean, which is Michèle's uncle, but seeing this with her own eyes, she finally understands why rumor is a poison, and the unacceptable truth is the final blade.

The changes happened around the school, including Descamps. The first sight Celine had of him was from afar, but she noticed annoyance and dissatisfaction. His eyes looked down with disdain, or better word would be disgust.

There were hearings for both of the returners, and Celine noticed the distance Descamps gave to her. They became strangers, nodded along the hallway. The moment our eyes connect, he would look away first. Week of being stranger, turned Celine's original plan into motion.

Jean-Pierre appeared in our classroom more than once, and whenever he stayed, Descamps would stare into him with eyes that were devoid of tenderness. If looked at carefully, they were the eyes of a person who held a grudge. Another observation that she could see was that Descamps hadn't worn his prosthetic eyes since the day Michèle got back and that was for a week when they were just classmates.

Applebaum told the rest of the class about the result of the hearing, which Celine admired how fast news arrived for him. The final verdict of allowing both of them to attend class increased fire inside Descamps, as Celine could clearly read his expression and how Dupin comforted him.

"You already had your revenge,"

"I lost an eye, Dupin," Celine heard him argued back in whisper, "She didn't get into trouble because she is the Dean's niece,"

"Life is unfair, Descamps"

Celine walks back from the canteen, finishing her lunch later than the others, heading to the classroom alone, while Simone is walking with that girl, Michèle, whispering something.

There is a droplet of water along the floor. Celine carefully takes her step, noticing the drip stop exactly where she is standing, and it's the entrance door of her classroom.

Her brain calculates events quickly. Thinking of the news that she had heard about the prank that caused Descamps an eye.

Celine glanced back at Michèle who looked back at her in confusion.

She glanced above the door and saw a real water basin. She couldn't understand why these pranks had started again. Childish thoughts that she must deal with quickly because if this news were to happen, it would replace the news of Michèle's return, that keeping the news of her brother safe, it wouldn't be enough for people to consume.

As soon as Michèle approached her, Celine used her foot to push open the ajar door. As expected, the bucket of water fell as soon as she pulled her foot back, causing the water to splash on the floor due to gravity.

The door opened, revealing the shocked expressions of the friends in the room. Annick stood up in shock. Descamps, who was standing directly across from Celine, looked equally shocked.

"What are you doing there?" Descamps yelled, forgetfully.

"I'm walking into my own classroom," a cold reply from Celine caught everyone's attention. Their eyes are on her, and Michèle who finally reached the scene, behind Celine, "Why? Are you standing there, anticipating something would happen to me?"

"It wasn't me," Descamps denied, looking at the classmate for confirmation.

Celine believed him, but it's not because she knew Descamps. She never really truly knew him, not the past at least, but she trusted her instinct that telling her Dupin is somewhere nearby.

"Come one. Let's get inside. Class is going to start soon," said Simone.

Celine nodded, intentionally pushing the door so hard that it opened wider than before, and instead of slamming into the wall, someone screamed in pain instead.

Dupin walked out, nose covered in blood, staring at Celine with pain in his eyes.

"Blood looked good on you," Celine commented, and finally walked inside the classroom, walking past Descamps who tried to grab her hand.

She doesn't know him, not this rage version of him. 

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