The Hiding

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Calvin violently crushed his lips at the person standing against the wall of his house. The two of them were just waking up. The sounds of panting and sweat created heat in both of their hearts. Calvin quickly broke the kiss, ready to go back down and crush those lips again, but a voice made him stiff instead.

Celine slurped her warm milk in the cup, and boldly stared at her brother and his lovely companion, in the middle of the house, early in the morning.

"Well, morning, gentleman,"

Calvin's face turned red, he stared into the man 's, signalling him to the door.

"Why are you up early?"

Celine didn't answer because she knew her brother wasn't waiting for an answer. It's just a question to solve embarrassment. He was busy dropping off his friends from the house. Farewell with pleading eyes

"I told papa, you were being careful, Cal,"

"I'm being careful," Calvin said, avoiding eye contact, looking through the window where he could see his friend.

"Letting a boy out of the house early in the morning is being careful?" Celine scoffed, "People might just blame it on me."

"It was just one night!"

"It was a good night for you then because I couldn't sleep," Celine teased, wiggling her eyebrow teasingly.

"I'm getting dressed," Calvin avoided the mischievous smile on his sister's face, and ran toward the house stair.

"Hurry up, princess"

"You are awfully quiet, are you still writing?"

Ice breaker question just randomly thrown into the silence between the Laurent Sibling. Celine glanced at her brother, studied him a bit, then replied.

"Sometimes," She paused, "When I've got good inspiration."

The way to school became quiet again, and Celine noticed her brother fidgeting the whole way, constantly glancing at her.

"Jean-pierre, You know him right?" Calvin started another conversation, "The other day he told me he saw you with that one-eye boy in the bookshop"

Celine didn't answer immediately. She turned to look directly at her brother. He thought of using this method to make the morning embarrassment go away, acting protectively towards her even though he never cared about things like this about her. Calculating well, she just smiled, patted her brother on the shoulder, and replied with a question.

"Did Jean-pierre tell you what he was doing there?"

"Buying a book?"

"Oh brother, with all your experiences, you would still be innocent than me,"

"What's that supposed to mean!"

But Celine ran away, leaving him with confusion.

Calvin walked upstairs inside the school building. He had just finished natural science class, and was heading to Philosophy class, where his sister is learning right now.

He kept following the other students. His hand was suddenly grabbed quickly. The mysterious hand squeezed his hand slightly and slowly released it. The owner of the hand revealed himself from behind Calvin.

"Shocked?" he asked.

Callvin looked at his best friend, who looked better than he had in the morning after seeing Celine's face.

"I'm not as shocked as you are."

The young man laughed in a good mood. They stopped at a classroom that still had juniors inside. The young man looked into the classroom and examined each child.

"Your sister is like a hawk, look at her,"

He pointed out where Celine sat, which is near the window. Her piercing eyes were staring around the room rather than scribbling down contents on the board. She seemed to be writing something, pinching every now and then. After surveying the people in the room, Calvin shifted his gaze away from her and his brows furrowed as he saw a young man staring at his sister from time to time. The demeanor is not perfect. He held his glasses in and out before coughing and turning away. Calvin felt a little amused.

At that instant, Calvin and his friend had to turn and flee the room as his sister's black eyes locked onto theirs.

"I told you. Like a Hawk"

Calvin smiled, " She is smart, that's why she acted like that,"

"Is she a writer?"

Calvin paused, he is uncertain how to answer this, "sometimes she write,"

"Will she ever write about us?," the whisper is too low, but Calvin understand what his friend meant.

"I told you she is smart. She wouldn't do anything stupid,"

"Alright," his friend smiles, slowly walking away, "See you afterclass"

Calvin nodded, remembering he had to tell Celine that he might be coming home late today, and she is going to tease him harder!

"Told papa, I'm coming back late," Calvin said as fast as he could, reaching the doorknob.

"You have a date?"


"Why," Celine laughed, looking at her brother red's face, then show a sign of worry, "Just tell me, Cal, what if something happened,"

"Nothing is going to happen,"

"What if?" Celine insisted, "I could help you. You know that,"

"I don't think what you thinking now is called help,"

Celine watched the door closed behind her brother's back, sadly.

Celine spent the night, reading, waiting for her brother to be home. She isn't good with talking about everything with her brother, but she is always noticing what he likes, and still when they were in Paris, she also looked after him, because in a world like this, he will be looked down on worse than her who is a woman.

House passed by, pages changed constantly. Celine yawned looking at the clock, the house line striking six o'clock in the morning. She sprang from the sofa as quick as she could, looking out at the window, noticing that the orange ray of morning was about to rise.

"Where the hell are you, Calvin!" Celine mumbled in worry. She took out a coat to cover her pajamas, then opened the front door to look out.

Not far away, Celine heard cries of pain in a nearby alley. The sound of banging sounded, causing her to immediately run barefoot to go take a look.

What was found was the body of her older brother, his face covered in blood, lying on the ground, using his hands to fend off three men who were attacking and kicking him.

At that moment, Celine didn't hold back her thoughts. She looked at the three men who were still not aware of her presence. Interspersed with an iron pipe leaning against the wall not far away had blood stains on it.

Calvin looked up and saw his sister. He followed her gaze before shouting to stop her.

"Celine, don't!"

Celine easily walked over and grabbed the iron pipe and immediately swung her arm with full force towards the target.


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