The Talk

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Celine walked home on Friday evening, quickening her pace, noticing someone was following her all the way.

After that day in the alley with Descamps, Celine went to her brother on time, and went back home with him for two days in a row. Trying her best to avoid him because knowing that he is the boy at the party seemed to cause more problems than she thought, and she can't risk having any problem anymore. Not after what she did in Paris.

Celine knows Descamps always get what he wants, and she doesn't trust him to keep things between them a secret. She is certain that he will strike her again, at the right time, revenging, requesting something she can't deny because he has her dignity in his hand, playing like a toy. One word about her and Descamps, then her reputation would be ruined, and a girl can't let that happen, not especially a girl with a good future like her, or that's what she thought.

The alley is nearby again, but instead of quicken herpace to avoid the staker behind her, Celine stopped, turning to her stalker.

"Stop following me!"

Descamps startled, the legs stopped as they were about to take a step. A puzzled expression flashed across his face, followed by a teasing smile.

"It's my way home, " He replied, but Celine doesn't believe him, "It's true, " he added with a smile wider on his face, "Why do you think i found you in the alley the other day?"

The word alley pops up, recalling up embarrassing memories, causing Celine to blush. She turned away and prepared to continue walking if Descamps didn't speak loudly first.

"What if someone saw us?" His pretentious shocking tone clearly teased her nerve. He caught her attention, looking into her eyes, and continued his play, "What if I got drunk and told my friend, what fun I had with a new girl?"

"Don't you dare!" Celine shrieked and walked, pointing a finger at his face accusingly, but Desmonds made a seductive face to piss her off.

"Ohhh, Laurent," He smirks, "Woooo, where else would your pap bring you to hide you from humiliation, this time?"

"You are a Devil, Descamps!"

"That's what they called me, darling"

Her black eyes flickered. Celine stared at the eloquent face filled with happiness. His brown eyes reminded her of something.

"Oh," she said silently, "and stop staring at me at school. People would noticed something, they shouldn't be noticing"

"I don't care" Descamps shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly.

"But I do!"

"So?" Descamps raised his eyebrow, "What is it in for me, if I do what you told?"

"You are unbelievable" Celine turned to walk away, but a strong hand grabbed her wrist and stopped her from walking.

"I saw you explain math to Pichon,"

Celine raised an eyebrow, asking.

"And the others in the class," Descamps' confident voice faded, instantly causing an evil smile to appear on Celine's face.

"You're afraid to ask a girl for help, Descamps?"

"I'm not afraid" Descamps refuses loudly.

"Isn't that's why you kept playing mind games with me?" Celine asked honestly, "So you could use me whenever you want?"

"You could runaway"

Celine looked at Descamps in disbelief at how childish his answer is. She sighed without wanting to endure it, shaking her wrist to walk away, but then a small piece of paper was inserted into her fist instead, causing her to stop walking and turn to look at the taller person who was standing closer to her.

"Tomorrow, at my place, come anytime you want"


"Math Tutor" Descamps, heading forward, shouted back.

Celine stared at that back as he continued walking like he really was heading home.

Celine opened the door to the living room, noticing her father sitting on the sofa eating pasta, reading a book alongside.

"Oh, Papa?" her tone was slightly confused and disbelief, "Are you done with your first chapter?"

Papa nodded, "It needed a little, "You looked happy"

Celine raised her eyebrow, staring at her father who pretended like he didn't just say that and enjoying his pizza.

"Where is your brother?"

"Calvin isn't home?"

Papa looked back at her confusion. "Haven't you noticed? He has been home late for two nights now. Probably sneak out after sending you home."

Celine laughed, unworried.

"Not funny, Celine. It's not like Paris, here. Your brother should know that"

"Maybe he just hung out with his friend, papa," Celine suggested, an alternative that the bad thought her papa had in his mind, "Calvin would never cause us any problem."

She walked over and hugged her father, who greeted her with open arms.

"I knew you didn't mean for it to happen."

He whispered softly and rubbed Celine's head comfortingly.

"I know you know," Celine replied back softly.

She sprang up, gave her father a smile, "I'm going to bed."

"This early? But it's Friday night?"

"I've to go study with a friend tomorrow."

The father narrowed his eyes at his daughter, who looked away and picked up her bag and prepared to go up the stairs.

"Friend? Does this friend-"

"No Question, Papa! No!" 

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