The Tour

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"Where is your bike?" Simones asked, looking at Celine walking out of the gate.

"My house is nearby." Celine answered, walking in a rush, "I will come back"

"Alright, I waited neat the Butcher's shop then,"

Celine walked down the road, jogging headed home to grab a bicycle because Simone offered to give her a tour of the town.

Descamps did as he promised because he skipped school, not just Monday, but also today. Dupin didn't even know where his friend was, left him alone.

"Papa!" Celine yelled, throwing her bag at the sofa, "I'm going out with Simone, will be back around dinner,"

She didn't wait for response, quickly rushed out to the garage door, and jumped on her bike, puddling immediately back to school, heading to the Butcher's shop.

The town wasn't big, but there are things to do, not less than Paris. There is a movie theater, cafe, club like chess club, hiking club, reading club, or even cooking club. Small business along the street where everyone knew each other.

Celine rides her bike behind Simone who is smiling, eagerly to show her every cool building they passed by. Hiding for the car, Simone took Celine to another road, for bicycle only. The leaves on the tree turned orange, showing signs of autumn. New part of town is coming up next, smaller house, smaller businesses.

Simone slowed down her speed, Celine followed. They both stop in front of a building near a bookshop.

"How was it?" Simones asked, stepping down from the bike to work.


"Better than Paris?"

Celine laugh, shaking her head, "Every town has their own charm,"

"Pretty word from writer's daughter,"

"So, you lived here?" Celine asked, looking at another building next to the book shop.

Simone nodded, "My house is at the end of town, but if you don't know how to get back, I can show you the way back too,"

"Don't worry, I won't get lost."

Simone smiled. Celine understands the pain in her eyes somehow. It's like how papa used to describe some pain that no words could describe, but the eyes show it all.

"Then, see you tomorrow,"

Her try-to-cheer-up face made Celine feel uncomfortable, she nodded, quickly turned her bicycle to another direction, heading home.

Celine was able to ride back easily because the road doesn't have many twists or turns making it difficult to remember. Soon she was back in the school district again. A well driven bicycle suddenly barely moved, stubbornly holding me back. Celine turned to look at the wheel behind her and was startled. Descamps used his hand, pulling the pillion seat.

"Miss me?"

Celine stared into his eyes through his glasses. He hasn't worn his eye patch ever since, and currently in a suit he never wore to school before. The hem of his shirt came out of his wrinkled pants, slightly disheveled, necktie hung haphazardly around his neck.

"I was having a nice day so far, Descamps. Now get your hand off my bike,"

Not in thought, Descamps immediately walked up to the back of the seat. His hand acted erratically, not knowing where to put it. Celine, who stood in shock as usual, did not dare sit down in her own seat, tilting her head to look at the cheeky person.

"What are you doing?"

"I won't step down,"

"We are in front of the school!"

Touch of StrangerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon