The Suspect

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Celine looked at that eloquent face. The thoughts rushing into her brain made her immediately press her forehead against her chin.

Descam felt a numbness at the tip of his chin. There was a little blood on the edge of his mouth because his teeth bit in as soon as Celine hit him. He shook his head away, backing away from Celine slightly, still used his hands to push her against the wall. He licked his lips, which had a small amount of blood.

"You step on my nerve today, new kid."

Celine gasping for breath, looked at the end of the alley where a moment ago she walked freely.

"Let me go, Descamps" She begged, knowing he won't let her go.

His brown eye, staring at her deeply, like that night.

"What are you doing?" Descamps asked as Celine reached out, placing her hand on his eye patch. She slowly removes it, showing an artificial eye the same colors as his.

He sneered slightly when he saw her panicked eyes.

Celine immediately pushes Descamp's body away. Instead, he pressed himself closer to her against the wall. His hand moved closed towards her hand, touching her pulse. Her cheeks flushed red. Looking at his smile she knew he was teasing her. It's like taking revenge for the humiliation she did to him today.

""Can't accept your defeat?" Celine asked, breaking the silence.

Descamps chuckle, "I'm waiting for the perfect time to get my revenge."

Celine glanced at his curly hair, closed her eyes down, ready for her defeat.

Descamps smile softly, reaching his hand further from her pulse to her trouser.

Celine jumped by his touch, trying to stop his hand from rubbing along her trouser, and moving towards her pocket.

His light brown eyes studied her face, trying to remain calm with his one hand, staring straight into her eyes.

" My glasses" Descamps whispered near her lip, then before Celine was about to say anything, almost immediately, his lips crashed hard against hers.

Celine stood there in shock, letting Descamps' hand move into her pocket, stealing back his glasses. His touch, his breath, his kiss resemble the touch of a mysterious man. He is the one from the party. A nice gentleman turned into Descamps who caused trouble for her the whole day.

Descamps searched hard for the sweetness he had experienced. His hand firmly gripped the leg of his glasses before slowly lifting them from the pocket of her pants. He slowly decreased the intensity. He gently crushed his lips and withdrew them as the glasses returned to his hand.

Two eyes staring at each other, hot breath falling apart, Celine looked at the glasses that had returned to Descamp's hand, who had begun to put them on again. He snatched the blindfold out of Celine's grip.

A wide smile spread across his face. Celine's cheeks were hot. She pushed Descamps' shoulder hard who stumbled back in submission.

Descamps looked at the small girl's back, who hurriedly walked away with legs that no longer seemed to be limp, and chuckled to himself.

Celine returns home with a panicked expression on her face. She opened the door to her room to find her brother lying on her bed.

"What's the matter? Why is your face red like that?"

The question caused Celine to jump onto the bed and lie next to her brother, but she didn't answer.

Calvin stuffed himself up and sat up, looking down at his sister's face questioningly.

"Did you cause any trouble again?"

"Urg! Calvin!" Celine jumped up, looking at her brother, "Don't worry! I won't get into trouble. It's not like there is anything here for me to get into trouble"

"Yet, you were sent to the Dean's office."

"Someone in class did a prank. That's all"

"So you were a bully?"

"I said prank, Calvin. Now get out of my room" Celine pointed out at the door, but Calvin still hasn't moved an inch.

"Who was it?"

"What?" Celine lay down on her back.

" The one who pranked you."

Descamps' face ran back into her mine, not the one with a pirate eye, but the one staring at her in the alley, touching her pulse.

"Celine?" Calvin insisted.

"I won't let them get to me, Calvin. I can take care of myself."

"Like in Paris? I wondered whether that was the main reason why we moved."

Celine watched her brother get out of her room, guilt in her eyes.

Celine knows how to fight, but she doesn't know how to stop. 

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