Chapter 10

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I looked at myself in the mirror and made sure I looked okay; my hair was brushed, and I just put on a t-shirt and some leggings nothing too fancy but also not just pajama's.

My feet quickly led me towards the lobby door as I took and deep breath and opened the door, in the lobby there stood the General, the apprentice, Dan Heng, and Himeko. Once I walked in everyone looked towards me and I could feel that same wave of nervousness again.

"Well, look who decided to join us," Himeko said as she sat on the couch with her cup of coffee, next to her was Dan Heng who had a look of solemn but also tenseness. The General sat on the opposite side of them, he did not look hurt one bit but one thing I didn't notice before was how handsome he was.

He was in his usual uniform, the way that his white hair framed his face in many different ways. His sharp jawline and his strong facial features made him look like a statue that was sculpted to perfection, his aura was defiantly one of profession and age, but he did not look so old. His mind was surely beyond his years.

Before I knew it, he was standing up and walking towards me and I could tell his height. He was 6'3 compared to my 5'4 self-having me look up towards me the close that he got. After thinking about his looks, I couldn't help but blush at the distance closing in between us. I mean can you really blame me; he was a man of looks, strength, wisdom, and power what else was there for me not to want.

"I realized after our meeting that I didn't have a way of contacting you so before Caelus left, he offered me an invitation to visit whenever I please. So, I took the opportunity to come make plans with you, of course, if you'll let me." He said the silkiness of his voice reminded me a lot of Welts, but Welts was more of a father figure type voice.

I nodded as I could hear a soft giggle from Himeko who I had totally forgot was still here along with Dan Heng. "I would love to General," I said making sure my voice didn't sound quivery.

"Please call me Jing Yuan," he said as I nodded once again before he walked to sit back down on the couch, he sat down by the young apprentice me, and Himeko had spoken about earlier in the day.

I decided I would go sit in-between Dan Heng and Himeko, as I sat down the young boy began to speak, "My name is Yanqing, I am the General's apprentice," He said as I smiled and introduced myself, "My name is Y/n, it's a pleasure to meet you both,"

"Sorry our first sight wasn't a very proper one, you know when business calls," Jing Yuan said as Yanqing looked away a bit embarrassed, "But, as I said before I would love for you to join us on our training. I don't think it's a good idea for you to be a Nameless and not know how to fight." He continued before Dan Heng spoke.

"We are fairly capable of teaching them here, do you have some ulterior motive?" He asked with a tense tone in his voice as he stared towards Jing Yuan, "Why would you think so badly of me? I simply would like to be the one to train them," Jing Yuan said with an eyebrow raised.

I looked towards Dan Heng questionably before turning back to Jing Yuan's voice, "Besides I think they would get the best training with someone of years on experience," He boasted about himself with a small smile.

"I don't think it's a bad idea, they can explore the Xianzhou while also getting some training. Whoever gets an offer from THE General to train with him. I think it'll be a good experience, it's not like they are staying forever." Himeko said looking towards me and Dan Heng as I felt like I was being interrogated with my two parents making a decision.

"It'll only be for today, get some basics and maybe some lunch after," Jing Yuan said as Yanqing's face lit up, "Maybe we can go eat at the Aurum Ally, there is lot of delicious street food there," He said as Jing Yuan nodded.

Dan Heng sighed before looking towards me, "Are you sure you want to go back?" he asked as I smiled and nodded quickly.

"I'll be protected with Jing Yuan," I said before he sighed once again looking towards Himeko while she smiled slyly and nodded.

I could tell why Dan Heng was so worried, from what I noticed a lot just went down at the XIanzhou and it was probably chaos right now. Especially since stuff from his past seemed to have come back up and he didn't feel comfortable. But I wasn't a child for him to protect; fighting is something I have to learn if I want to keep myself and everyone else safe here on the Express.

I was not going to allow myself to be protected by them forever or lose out on experiences just because I can't wield a sword.

"Looks like we have come up to a decision," Jing Yuan smiled before standing up with Yanqing following.

Besides if anything happens, I have a phone now.

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