Chapter 1

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"They are waking up!" I heard a high-pitched voice yell.

I felt soft, velvet cushions underneath me as I knew that I was on some sort of soft surface and was laying down. I felt a small groan escape my lips as the pain in my back arose as I sleepily tried to sit myself up.

"Woah woah, slow down there you landed pretty roughly here with us," Said a silkier and deeper voice than the first one.

The bright iridescent lights blinded me as I tried to softly open my eyes. It took multiple times for me to blink before I was able to comprehend what was around me. The first thing that I laid my eyes on were a group of people standing all around me. But what stood out to me the very second that my eyes opened was this three-foot-tall bunny looking thing that I can't even begin to explain. I guess the people around me saw my confusion and so did the thing as well as it made a small, confused face at my confused face.

Someone to the right of me cleared their throat and caught my full attention as I looked towards them quickly. It was a tall, older man with a small streak of white hair glossing over his smooth brown hair and glasses framing his face. He was very handsome, but you can tell he was a bit older maybe a little too old for you.

"Hello, you must very confused, and I apologize for that. Well looks like you are going to be stuck with us for a while so might as well get acquainted with each other," He held out his hand for me to shake and continued, "My name is Welt, and you are currently riding on the Astral Express. The group standing before you, including me, are known as the Nameless. They can introduce themselves by name to you on their own," I hesitantly grabbed his hand firmly and shook it quickly before he moved out the way and the next person came up.

She was a very tall lady with long, vibrant, cherry dark hair and a dress made of white and gold that made her look like she was dressed as an Egyptian goddess. She politely held out her hand and said, "My name is Himeko, I am an adventurous scientist who resides on this the Astral Express, it is very nice to meet you," I of course shook her hand softly before she moved away as well.

I didn't even get a second to process who was next before my hand was grabbed and shook violently by a very vibrant and excited girl with short, strawberry blonde hair more on the strawberry side though, she wore bright clothes and honestly everything just matched the type of person you knew she was going to be.

"HI! My name is March 7th, before you say anything yes like the date on the calendar and I'm just a regular old passenger on this train, but I love stuffed animals and if you want, we can have sleepovers in my room and stay up all ni-" She was pushed away and interrupted by a blacked hair guy who you can tell was tired of her talking... or just tired of everything.

"My name is Dan Heng, it's nice to meet you," he said quickly while pushing March 7th away as she tried to explain to him why she was talking so much but he wasn't having any of it.

As you turned your head back to whoever was left you saw a tall, gray-haired guy who quietly held out his hand and shook mine with a smile, "You can just call me Caelus, I'm sorry if this is all confusing. I came in the same way as you did but mine is probably a lot more complicated."

He laughed softly as did I before I spoke my first words, "Is that you trying to make this a competition?" His shook his head and waved his hands softly in the air dismissing what I said as a joke.

"What is your name?" He asked and I shook my shoulders up and down, "I don't remember," His eyes soften, and he made a saddened expression before quickly chirping back up again.

"Well, what do you want your name to be then? Now you can have whatever name you want without it interfering with anything," I smiled and laughed softly, "Okay, then my name is Y/N,"

"What a great name!" That small bunny looking thing said from behind Caelus, "My name is Pom-pom I am the conductor of this train and we have lots of work to do so let's try not to dilly dally people!"

I looked around at everyone and saw them all talking and doing their own thing until your eyes finally set to the large windows where lots of small stairs littered the sky and I freaked out. "Okay, I don't remember where I came from, but I know for sure that I was not in the middle of the 12 galaxies. Actually, how do I find my way back home from here?"

"You don't, you are now a part of the Nameless and we kind of can't take you back home if you don't even remember where you came from," Dan Heng said standing with his hands crossed leaning against the window that I was staring out of.

"You will now join us on missions across different plants and help those plants with whatever they need, it's very complicated to explain all the minor details but our next trip you can join whoever volunteers to go," Welt explained as I stared at him confused not understanding a word that was coming out of his mouth.

"Can I really say no to this?" I asked to everyone in the room as they all looked towards me and silently shook their heads and I laughed quietly, "So, where are we heading to next?'

{993 Words}

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