Chapter 1

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I awoke to the sound of my mother cooking breakfast, she always made eggs in the morning even though I hated them.

I come downstairs to my dad passed out on the couch, stupid bastard is always either drunk or hungover. He spends most of his nights sleeping on that couch because he always comes home late from the bar. He's been like this ever since my brother, Joshua, overdosed last summer. It's officially been a year since..

My mom is deaf so I usually have to flip the lights or tap her to get her to notice me. Today I flickered the lights and she turned around to see me in my t shirt with Ringo Starr's face on it and my flannel pajama pants. My mother always sees me in my new thrift finds.

"Good morning, honey!" my mom signed, "are you all packed for your aunts house?"

"Pretty much, I just need to pack my toothbrush and skin care," I signed back, "why do I have to go again?"

"I think it will be good for you to get away from this town for the summer, your aunt also misses you a ton and would love to have you there." Signed my mom.

"I know but it's been 4 years since I've seen Leonardo and I think he's matured since then, besides I've only sent him happy birthday messages on snapchat we've never even texted." I signed.

  "Trust me sweetie you will have fun, they also have a county fare every year so you'll finally be able to get a good funnel cake!" My mom signed back.

  It had been so long since I've been to that fair, I used to go with Leo and his friend Tristan, oh my god I forgot about Tristan.

  Tristan Hart is Leo's best friend ever. They've practically been friends their entire lives, those two have been in every class together and always have to hang out everyday or I'm pretty sure they'll explode. Tristan and I never really got along as kids. He would always pull my hair and take my cookies from my Lunchables. Tristan always called me "little one" and "short stack" because I'm younger than him and he never took me serious.

"Now go upstairs and get ready, we have to leave in an hour so you can catch your flight." Signed my mom.

I grabbed an apple and went upstairs to get ready. I took my tree bark brown hair out of my braid and brushed it out. Of course today it decides to look good even though I'm only going on a plane. I went to the bathroom and did my skin care and brushed my teeth. I saw on the sink that there was a cigarette bud, of course my dad is smoking in the house again.

I finished putting my stuff in my suit case and headed downstairs to my mom waiting for me by the door, she seemed to be signing to someone outside.

I walk out and see my best friend, Lilly, signing to my mom. I love Lilly. She's the sweetest person anyone can ask for, we became friends back in 6th grade, she would always stand up for me to bullies. When she found out that my mom was deaf, she started learning sign just so she could communicate with my mom properly. She's always been so beautiful even thought people seem to find her ugly. She's got beautiful brown eyes and dark brown hair, she's also had a gold hoop on her nose since before I knew her.

"Hey, Phoebe! I came to see you before you left." Said Lilly.

"I can't believe I'm not gonna see you for the entire summer," I said, hugging her, "what am I gonna do without you?!"

"I'm gonna miss you too!" Said Lilly.

We said goodbye and my mom and I got in the car to go to the airport. Car rides were mainly silent with my mom unless I was playing music. Today I was listening to Something by the Beatles in my headphones.

2 Hours later my mom and I finally made it to the airport. I hugged her goodbye and went to my gate. My flight wasn't until 11:45 and it was only 10:30 so I had some time to waste. I sat in my gates area and grabbed my book, Frankenstein. I love Mary Shelly, the mother of horror, she's such an icon.

It was finally time for my flight, thank god too, I finished Frankenstein 30 minutes ago.

I sat in my seat, it was a middle seat... great. I always get stuck in a middle seat in everything, cars, planes, the couch, even when I'm sharing a bed with more than one person. Luckily I was only sitting between a woman on a business trip and an old woman who was knitting what looked like a scarf.

  3 hours went by and I finally reached my aunts state. It's so pretty here, there are beaches with lovely blue water and it's always sunny. The plane finally landed and everyone got out of their seats to walk off the plane. I walk through the boarding bridge to get into the airport and see Leo waiting for me.

  "Hey Leo," I said.
  "Hey?" He said in a questionable way, did he seriously not remember me? "I'm sorry who are you? I'm waiting for my cousin."

  This little bitch..

  "It's me Leo," I said annoyed, "I know you're just messing with me."

  "Yea you're right," he chuckled, "how you doing lil cousin, how's aunt Winnie?"

  "She's alright, trying to take care of the house and my no good father." I said.

  "Here lemme take that," he said grabbing my suitcase, "my mom can't wait to see you."

  "I've missed aunt Cherri so much," I said walking out with him.

  We chat a little bit until we reach his car in the parking lot. He drives a red 1989 Ford F-250. He loads my suitcase in the back and we get in the car to head to my aunts house. His car smells of cigarettes and stale coffee. His car reminded me of my dad's old cars before he became a drunk and stopped going to work.

  "Hey I wanted to tell you that aunt Cherri is dating again," said Leo.

  "Wait didn't she just break up with Todd?" I asked.

  "Nono that was Michael"

  "Wow she is really getting around"

  "Yea but you know how hard it was for her after my dad died"

  My uncle Randy died 5 years ago in a car crash. Ever since then Cherri and Leo have been on their own trying to keep their home well.

"She just got a promotion too," said Leo.

"Wow she's really doing well for herself," I said.

I felt at home again driving through the town and seeing all the places I used to go to when we would come every summer. I forgot how much I missed it.

We finally reached my aunts house. I was so nervous about what things were gonna be like. We get out of the car and knock on the door. I was so excited to see my aunt again I couldn't wait. We hear the dogs barking from inside and the sound of someone coming to the front. The door opens and standing right in front of me is Tristan Hart.


A/N: Howdy partner so this is the first chapter. I hope you guys like it so far and lmk if yall wanna see some other things in the later chapters. I hope you folks liked it and I'll have a new chapter out as soon as I can.
Also sorry this chapter is kinda long.

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