"Have you eaten, child?" The Queen asked

Rhaenyra shook her head, "Not yet."

Esther tilted her head, "And why not yet?"

Rhaenyra forced a little smile on her lips before averting her eyes down to the floor as she shakes her head, "I just didn't feel like eating yet. I wasn't hungry." By then she met her mother's eyes who's staring at hers deeply in concern.

The queen sighed, "Would you like to eat? I could call the maids and just ask them to bring the food here."

Rhaenyra shook her head again, "No, there is no need, mother." She paused, "Why have you called me?"

Esther stared into her daughter's eyes first, seemingly hesitant and with fear in her eyes.

"Rhaenyra" The Queen called as she slowly approach the girl, "This.. babe that I'm carrying with me.." The Queen paused pressing her lips. Rhaenyra looked at her with confusion while her lips are little parted as her heart rate starts to increase.

"What is it?" She asked, growing impatient.

Esther sighed and looked down on her bump while caressing it. "I don't think that I'll be able to make it."

This caused the young to furrow her eyebrows and lean back a bit, "What do you mean?"

"I.. I can't- I can't get through this anymore, Sweetling." She said with a frown as she looks into her daughter's confused and scared purple eyes.

Rhaenyra stood up in front of her mother, her frown not leaving her face. "About what? Tell me, mother."

"The babe." Esther blurted, "This... baby inside me, Nyra. I do not think I'll be able to get through it." Her voice lowered and softened, averting her eyes somewhere else. In Rhaenyra's fear, her eyes widened and her breath hitched, like a lump is in her throat not knowing what to say, she shook her head quickly.

"No." She breathed heavily. She took a step closer to her mother, grabbing the Queen's hand. "No mother- you and that baby will get through, you and my brother will live. Amhir will live, and so are you.." The princess panted after blurting the sentences that came out including the name that she and her family has planned for the baby if it comes out as a boy. She looks into her mother's eyes with so much worry and pain before squeezing her mother's hand.

Esther looked at Rhaenyra's purple eyes with pain, she didn't protest anymore for she thinks it's no good to make her daughter worry considering on realizing how much it pains the princess. She only nod at her daughter before parting their hand away only to place it on her bump.

Rhaenyra searched for the Queen's eyes, "Mother.." She called to make the Queen look at her. "You will get through this."

Both women nod and decided to give each other a hug. Rhaenyra tried her best not to squeeze her mother's belly and her brother or sister inside. Despite of not having an issue with the gender, she only hoped for it to be a boy so that her father will end her mother's suffering from going through labours.

They both parted slowly, "You should go and eat, Rhaenyra. Your father's hand, his son is coming for my labour, probably earlier than that. Possibly going to stay here with his father from then." The queen informed.

Rhaenyra only nodded, not minding at the information as of now for she worries about her mother and what her mother had just said to her a minute ago.

The princess gave the Queen a peck on the cheeks before leaving the chambers. She came out without a stop and Alaric automatically follows her, walking right behind the princess to accompany her.


"Yes, princess?"

"Tell me about Ser Julius' son."

Alaric squints his eyes confusedly as they walk, "Well, he's a charming man I might say." He chuckles.

Rhaenyra smiled despite of it not being seen by the man behind her, "I'm sure you're charmer, Ser Alaric."

The knight smiled behind her, "He chose to live with his mother but due to her mother's death just a week ago, Ser Julius' wife, he has to go by his father. that's all I know."

The princess hummed in response as she turned to her left direction leading to the dining area with Alaric tailing her. "When will he be arriving?" She intertwined her fingers behind her back as both hands are placed there.

"This evening, princess." He answered.

Rhaenyra made her way to the table and sat on a chair, shifting to her seat in order to sit properly. "Call out Dorcas for me, will you? tell her she and I will be having our lunch here." She looked at him

Alaric gave her a nod before leaving the dining area to go and fetch the princess' dear friend Dorcas.

My Father's Wife (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now