Chapter Valentine.

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(Happy Valentine. This is not canon to the story.)

   Reed was sitting lonely on the beach, the sounds of the waves being the only noise, and the sun's light accompanying him. He watched it set, seemingly without purpose other than to hurt his eyes, until the sun was blocked by the approaching outline of Gojirin, who had a slight sway in her hips as she approached.
"Hey, Reed."
"Ah, Gojirin. Glad to see you made it home so soon."
Reed smiled almost ear to ear, his teeth being all visible, which Gojirin had grown tolerant of how creepy it was.
"Good to be back," Gojirin soon laid down beside Reed and relaxed with a long sigh of relief. The latter looked her over, noticing her many cuts and injuries, and some fresh ones, evident of her recently fought battle.
"What was it this time?"
"What? These? Well, this morning, a giant squid Kaiju attacked me when I was hunting. Later today, I had to break up a fight between Behemoth and Amhuluk, which went by easier than you're thinking. Lastly, Barb was testing the leash I had on her, free-roaming a little too far, and I had to give her a quick reminder of who was in charge, those are the highlights of my day."
"Wow. Sounds stressful."
"Yeah, so it is when you're Queen of the Monsters. What was your day like, Reed?"
"Well, I was mostly training for the first half, like you said. After that, I basked in the sun with Jr for about half an hour. Once we finished, I and Jr played hide & seek," Gojirin paused her listening and thought of what playing hide & seek with Reed would look like, and it immediately seemed like a slasher film scenario. "-and which I found you this." Reed brought up something he found, catching Gojirin by surprise.
"Wait, go back I stopped listening for a bit."
"Oh? Well, I found this nice fire-red stone by the volcano baths, and it reminded me of your eyes, and how they sparkle," Reed said, pleased with himself and his rock as he grinned ear to ear again, either like a gremlin or a small child, it was hard to distinguish. Gojirin blushed slightly at the compliment on her eyes sparkling. Her ears drooped a little, while Reed's pointed up. "Gojirin? Are you alright?" Gojirin's blush intensified a bit before she quickly turned to face the sun again.
"N-n-Yeah, I-I'm fine." Gojirin put her chin in her hand and rested her elbow on her knee, now looking like a rushed, stiff statue.
"Are you sure? Do I need to take you to the grotto?"
"No, no need for the grotto. I'm not sick... just flustered."
"'Flustered'? Huh. What does it feel like to be flustered?"
"U-Uh..." Gojirin thought of how to explain it to Reed. He wasn't stupid, of course, he just didn't understand his new broad ability to feel emotions. "Well, when you're flustered, your body feels weird. Like when it feels like you can't talk or breathe from a lump in your throat that's not there, or your stomach knots, your cheeks get all warm, and sometimes your shoulders too."
"Ooh. So, like when you saved me that one time?"
"You were flustered by that? I assume embarrassment."
"No, it was seeing you take action. Your strength, your body, being by you, even now, my heart feels tight, in a good way." Reed now had a more natural, unaware smile, that suggested he didn't have ill intent on your soul like when he forced it. Gojirin's ears now drooped as far as they could, narrowing out almost like spread wings. Her whole face and lower became red, she grabbed her bra where her heart was and squeezed it, feeling its hard pounding.
"T-Thanks, Reed. That made my day." He seemed pleased and leaned against her, shoulder to shoulder as both watched the sunshine. Reed was relaxed, while Gojirin's mind was going crazy before she sighed, "Fuck it," she pinned Reed to the floor, catching him off guard. "Let's give Jr a sibling, Reed.~"
"H-Huh?!" He understood what she wanted, but the sudden desire was surprising, especially as he felt her tail creep into his skin-tight spandex shorts and take them off.
"Momma needs to get some stress off her chest. You willing to help?" Gojirin said, opening her bra and taking off her gloves, panting slightly. Reed didn't know what to say, only nodding. "Good~," Gojirin said, leaning down and immediately kissing Reed deeply.
   What followed was three hours of passion between them, Gojirin enjoying it deeply, and Reed passing out.

Kaiju Girls: Black Mass (Kaiju Girls x Reed) Where stories live. Discover now