Chapter 1

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Off the coast of the Pacific, several ships were following three rows of bone-white dorsal plates. The symbol for an organization known as Monarch was on each boat. The overall crew had the same logo on their suits, and weapons on the boats were prepped, but inside, the head of the whole thing; Ishirō Serizawa, watched the dorsal plates.
"Something wrong, Mr. Serizawa?" He snapped out of his focus.
"Hmmm?" He said. He heard that he was being talked to, but he didn't listen. "I'm sorry, I was focused on Gojirin."
"Aren't we all? Ever since Muto's awakening, and just as swift defeat, after following up Queen Gidrah's little war a decade earlier, she's never been as active as this in a long time." Serizawa looked out at Gojirin, so far, she was casually swimming.
"Yes... I have a disturbing feeling about where she's heading."
"Why's that?"
Serizawa rubbed his eyes as he groaned at the memories of when he first read the files. "Do you know what happened back in 1978?"
"The discovery of boss mom, Megami. Why?"
"Yes, we found the mother of Gojirin. But, we also had another incident with a man-made monster, created by a relative of mine; Shigeru Serizawa. It was named Reed." Ishirō's mind flashed memories of when he saw the footage of Reed's rampage. Hearing the news, even when they had a news broadcaster at the scene, while in the distance, Reed was heard bellowing, mixed with rifle and tank fire. "It went to hide out in an area infamous for ship and submarine wrecks, which is where Megami was lured to. They fought, with Reed either being cured, turning into a salamander again, or the cure poisoned him, and he perished. Or, Megami put him down."
"So, is this 'kingdom of Reed' where she's heading currently?"
"I believe so. I fear Reed is still alive. God only knows how far he's now mutated."
Silence now remained. Ishirō looked at Gojirin as she swam.

An hour passed, and they monitored Gojirin's activity closely, and as Ishirō feared, she swam to what was codenamed "Reed Cove". As they did, Gojirin's heart rate and travel speed quickened, before she went below the surface.
"She's diving." Dr. Stanton announced. Vivienne Graham checked the monitor that had Gojirin's heartbeat.
"Her heartbeat's spiked again," Vivienne said, Ishirō jogging over beside her. "Whatever's lured her here, she found now." A crash from the sea confirmed Vivienne's statement, as Gojirin immediately started going below the surface, and bolting.
"Prepare the submarines!" Serizawa ordered. Everyone obliged, running to their stations as the designated members for the expedition if it reached this point, got ready.

The submarine pods followed Gojirin at a considered safe distance from her. Serizawa was leaning forward in his chair, contemplating the worst it could seem. Gojirin's signal on the radar is what they followed, they soon began picking up structures, like buildings. When they could see these structures, it was soon realized to be the stalagmites. Serizawa gained a knot in his chest, he looked around warily, like a deer looking for a predator. Gojirin's heart rate was almost a beat-for-beat match with his, only she was most likely keeping her composure much better than he was.
"Keep your eyes peeled. In case you see anything abnormal." Serizawa said over comms and then looked back out at the abyss. Unaware of the spectator.

Watching far from the subs, and more importantly, Gojirin, was a humanoid shape. It had an overall similar build to a human but had some differences. It had a long tail, that ended abnormally, its feet looked normal until noticing how spread it kept its toes, and its toes being tipped with claws, as were its hands. Along its back, three rows of dorsal plates went down its entire spine, including the tail. In the middle was one large row, and along its side were two smaller ones.
The humanoid's eyes shined like an amphibian's as it watched with perked curiosity. It swam cautiously above the submarines, before diving swiftly below.

The submarines quaked with the disturbance caused by whatever swam so swiftly behind them. Serizawa, Vivienne, and everyone in those small subs faces lost all color as if their souls had been sucked from them. The sonar soon lost track of Gojirin and remained was the stalagmites for five long seconds, before the groan of something new and large was approaching. Vivienne was the first to notice the eyes that were looking at them, and how they slowly approached. She didn't scream, as much as she felt she needed to, but rather pushed back. Serizawa soon saw what she did, and all life seemed to be sucked from him as if his worst nightmare was real.
In a sort of sense, it had.
Soon, the face was illuminated, and it was clear who this was, despite how much he'd changed. "Reed..." Serizawa said.
Reed had changed a lot, though it was clear he still retained some features. His nose was almost squashed against his face but was still small and narrow. His bottom lip had a { shape to it, while his upper lip seemed fine. His eyes turned to resemble humans, but the iris's color resembled the same ghostly blue of his salamander eyes. His skin was seemingly pale, but that was most likely the light, and his ears were pointed, like an elf. He'd successfully grown out some hair on his head, and some small sleek eyebrows, both of which were an oil black.
So far, it was a stare-down between the two sides, only it wasn't to see who'd attack first. On one end, one was curious, while on the other end was horrified. Reed soon noticed the faint human faces in the submarines and leaned forward, squinting before going wide-eyed, backing up, and growling, his many pointed teeth now revealed. They were all abnormally large in relativity to his body, and they were all one type; Sharp, pointed, and curved back, except for the very front teeth, which were curved forward a bit, possibly the reason for his strange bottom lip shape. He snarled, and his chest began to glow, showing his ribs and his back faintly glowing also as the water around his mouth began bubbling intensely. Everyone was frozen in shock at what Reed had become, they failed to snap out of their shock until Reed seemed to be ready to blast them, that was until an infuriated roar echoed, halting the mutant dead in his tracks with surprise, but mostly fear. Gojirin was bolting straight at him in a B-line, her fire-red eyes glowing in the dark sea with clear agitation for Reed, who seemed terrified of her.

(Art by TheWatcherofWorlds)Gojirin crashed into him, already wrapping her fingers around Reed's throat, and digging her fingers into it as she snarled at him

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(Art by TheWatcherofWorlds)
Gojirin crashed into him, already wrapping her fingers around Reed's throat, and digging her fingers into it as she snarled at him. Reed whined and clawed at his neck with the desperation of a captured animal, trying to break free as they both spiraled down, descending deeper into the dark abyss. They soon crashed against a stalagmite's base, and Gojirin removed her hands from Reed's throat and pinned him against the stone with a knee pressing hard against his bare chest.
"Talk," Gojirin ordered, clear, and cut.
"I-I surrender..." Reed said, putting his hands up, not wanting confrontation with her. Gojirin's face softened but still showed she was serious. She got her knee off his chest and both floated there. Gojirin crossed her arms and stared down at him coldly, Reed, lowered down below shoulder height, and didn't dare match her eyes. She soon put her hands on her hips and looked at him closely, swimming around him, making Reed nervous, before she stopped in front of him. The prior looked and only saw her abs, before his eyes trailed up to her chest, then her face, which still had the look of judgment.
"Rise," Gojirin ordered, her tail swaying with the energy of an agitated cat's. Reed immediately stood up, and the height difference was now apparent. Reed was their equivalent of being a few inches taller than Gojirin. The latter looked him over, before getting uncomfortably close to him, still inspecting him closely, before moving away, having a blank look on her face. "So, you're a mutant, huh?"
"A mutant. I can already smell the chemicals on you. Granted, you also smell like a normal Kaiju, like me, or my mom."
"How do you know I'm a mutant then?"
"Simple. Your spines don't look naturally grown, they look like they ripped out of your body. Plus, your skin is odd, and your eyes are amphibian. That's how I know. Granted, mutations aren't usually so quick to surrender, if at all." Reed didn't respond, thinking before saying "I had a bad first experience with your kind." Gojirin made a small smirk, knowing instantly it must've been her mom.
"Alright. So, who are you?" Reed was silent, unmoving, and just seemed in a trance as he thought.
"'Reed' is what he called me."
"The human that turned me into a monster, and then this."
Gojirin was unsurprised and now wondered what to do with him. "Alright, Reed, if you don't cause any problems, like trying to kill those humans again, I'll leave you here to live out your days," Reed looked her in the face, he now was fully focused on her offer. "But, if you do start causing trouble, I'm gonna come back here, and if you're not here, I'm gonna hunt you down, and when I find you, I'll kill you. Got it?" Reed nodded, before putting some distance away from Gojirin, who turned and swam away herself, for the business was done.

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