Chapter 5

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Reed widened his stance, looking at his feet as he shifted them, before looking up at Anguira for confirmation.
"Like this?"
"Yeah. Now, you wanna flex your muscles tight, but not to the max, and brace for any charge." Anguira said. Reed had overlooked the 3rd shortest member of Gojirin's little friend group, with Mothra being 2nd shortest, and Jr being the short stack that she was.
Anguira was a well-built woman, she may have been short, but she was broader and had more muscle, though managing to retain noticeable feminine features. Her skin was tan, and her hair was hazelnut Brown, while her eyes sparkled a dark green. Her clothes were a black crop top, and cut-off shorts, on her back she carried what looked like a turtle carapace covered in spikes that split open and spread to the sides at the bottom, around her waist. She had a long tail, even longer than Gojirin's, but not quite as thick, which had osteoderms and armor plating until the end, which had thagamizers sprinkled all around. Her hair had been cut and combed at that back, almost making it seem she had a frill, with one strand of her hair at the front almost curved dauntingly up to be seen resembling a smaller horn, fortunately, it wasn't as notice if you didn't know it was there. Reed certainly didn't.
   Anguira mimicked Reed's stance, only she was steady and calm, while he was tense and nervous. The prior then sprinted at Reed, despite her little legs, she was fairly fast, once she was in range, she leaped up to drop kick Reed, and hit him square in the chest. He fell backward, and rolled onto his head, before crashing onto his right side.
"Wow, you good, Reed?" Anguira asked, kneeling close to him before he just gave a thumbs-up, which surprised Anguira before she smiled at his resilience. "You're tougher than you look, huh?" Reed pushed himself up onto his knees before saying "Maybe. That hurt a lot though."
"Eh, you'll get used to the pain. That was a first test."
"First test of what?"
"Pain tolerance," Anguira said, going to a more serious demeanor. Reed cringed at the thought of more, and Anguira couldn't stifle a laugh. "I'm joking, almost. The training ain't easy at first, but I'm willing to bet Gonirin will ease you into it." That brought some comfort to the mind before he heard a yawn from Miyarabi.
"Knowing her, she more than likely not, even after her fight last night." Reed went wide-eyed with concern "Is she alright?" he asked.
"I'm completely fine, Reed." Gojirin walked over to the group, Anguira stood up straight immediately, but Miyarabi lazily rolled off her back into a sitting position. "Thanks for your concern, though." She said softly. "I see you girls are training him. How's he doing?"
   "Ah ha, he's doing excellent for a newbie. A bit nervous, but to be expected." Anguira said, cheery about the new face to play with.
"A bit basic, but he looks like he'd make for a good snuggler," Miyarabi said lazily, she was on her back with her knees up as she tried attacking Reed's tail like a cat. The latter was confused at what she was doing but mildly entertained himself at her behavior.
   Miyarabi was the most revealing of her peach-colored skin; the bra was a boob window, framing it, and it had no underneath either. It was a fur bra, a thick soft cost covering her boobs, with leather-like skin on the outside. She had a thick mane of blonde hair that was tidy and looked combed. Her face was soft as was the rest of her skin, it was almost crazy to think she was a warrior. Her lower half was a loin cloth, granted she had a covering underneath, and another cloth shielded her butt. Reed still was only wearing skin tights, so he wasn't much better, yet that would probably change soon. Eventually, he spotted her tail, which was like a lion's with a larger tuff of fur at the end, swaying, and decided to pin down the tuff of fur at its end. Miyarabi was a bit surprised to feel someone attacking her tail, but she didn't mind it.
   "It seems someone's playing with my tail?" Miyarabi said playfully, as Reed did before stopping and backing off.
   "Sorry." Miyarabi opened her mouth to say it was fine, but they were stopped by Gojirin.
   "Alright, you two, as adorable as I find it to see you two chat," she had said the cute part rhetorically "We got training. Anguira, you're with me." The latter sprung to her feet, eager to show off her skills with a more worthy foe. "Miyarabi, you wanna take Reed?" Miyarabi tapped her chin in thought before getting up, briefly stretching, and then said "Sure, I'ma go get changed though." and walked away, leaving Gojirin to sigh.
   "Reed, while she does that, just watch me and Anguira, okay?" Reed sat down and watched with the curiosity of a small child, both Kaiju Girls sized the other up before locking arms like wrestlers.

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