Chapter 21

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You changed my life. You changed my ways. I don't even recognize myself these days. It must be a reflection of you, only you.

- Keith Urban

Beckham's POV

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Beckham's POV

Standing over the sink, I watched my call to Rosenna go straight to voicemail. We had a session scheduled this afternoon, and she refused to show up for it. I tried getting in contact with Kira; however, as stubborn as she is, she wants me to finish up the floor plans before she can continue rooting for our love affair, as she put it. As my hair dripped wet over my face and chest, I glanced at the phone again before stepping out of the bathroom.

Dressed in only a pair of black joggers, I walked into my art space and stared at the paintings of her I'd created so far. I still needed to understand her.. I wanted to know why I was so fixated on this married woman who oftentimes wanted nothing to do with me. I only had two finished paintings of her so far but it wasn't enough.. it would never be enough.

Staring at the beginning of my clay sculpture, I groaned internally. Painting her was one thing, but molding a statue based on the memory of her alone.. was entirely different. I most likely didn't need her to model or pose for paintings any longer.. I had her body memorized in my mind, but it was something we did together.. something that was exclusively meant for us.

Sitting in my chair, I looked over to the setup I had prepared, which remained untouched because she didn't show. 

Fucking was exclusively meant for us, too.. from the looks of things, I was sure she hadn't been intimate with her shitty husband, but I couldn't be too sure.

No.. she wouldn't be intimate with him.. she wouldn't ruin what we had. I knew my flower better than that.

She's playing hard to get, that's all. She just wants me to give her the attention she doesn't get from Gavin.. My little flower.. if you want my attention, all you have to do is ask...

My phone buzzed after a moment, and I glanced at it to see a message from the last person I wanted to think about. Picking up the phone, Gavin's name appeared in the notification, but I couldn't be bothered to open the message to read it.

Tossing my phone back onto my desk, I stood back up as I approached the clay sculpture. My vision for the sculpture consisted of her fully nude as she innocently crossed her arms over her chest and her leg crossed the other as well.

With her head tilted to the side, I wanted it to exude a sense of innocence.. one that reflected much how the world perceived her. Innocent and beautiful on the outside but on the inside.. I had the pleasure of learning her dark and desire-filled thoughts and secrets.

Running my finger down the back of the sculpture where her spine arched naturally, my eyes darkened slightly. Those same secrets were what fueled me.. what made me want to understand the assertive woman who was looking for someone to fulfill her needs.. to be there for her.. to allow her to finally be recognized, heard.. seen.

The Art of Discretion - DISCRETION SERIES BOOK #6Where stories live. Discover now