Chapter 14

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I've been dancing with the devil; I love that he pretends to care.

- Unknown

Rosenna's POV

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Rosenna's POV

I glared daggers at Gavin before looking at his mother and father as they sat, waiting for me to say something. Deciding to let go of the ridiculous conversation, I finished eating and stood with my plate in hand. It was utterly silent, and I genuinely didn't care if I was being rude or ignoring them. Because I was fucking pissed. More than I usually am with Gavin and his parents.. No, I was beyond livid.

For as long as I have asked Gavin for a child, tried to plan how he or she would fit into our busy schedule, or looked through the baby section on our trips to Target and the mall, I couldn't believe he would stoop so low to say to his parents that I was the reason we weren't having a baby.

As if he's not the one who cursed me out years ago, demanding that I let go of the subject, and hasn't touched me or even thought to have sex with me to grow closer together. It was ludicrous and almost disgusting with the way he threw me under the fucking bus for something he fought me over and didn't want. But because he's their golden child, it's okay for him to lie and spin the narrative so his bitchy, lazy, and inconsistent wife would take the blame.

Walking away from the dining room wordlessly, I heard his mother speak. " Is she alright? Was it something I said? " She asked, and I had half a mind to chuck the stupid wine glass in my hand right into her fucking face. Was it something I said? You did a lot more than just speak.

Standing in the kitchen, I finished washing my dishes before grabbing my laptop, planner, and phone to go upstairs. Gavin stood in his seat and watched me as he began to follow behind while I went to ascend the steps.

" Rose.. please, let's just finish the night- " He began and closed his mouth immediately when I shot him a glare. He didn't say anything after that, and I ascended the steps, draining out his mother's bitchy words about how I should've cleaned off the whole table and continued the conversation.

He ran his hand down his face and walked back to his parents as I entered the bedroom, holding back my tears. I felt overwhelmed, sweaty, and tired from being at the stove and feeling under fire from having to deal with the three of them. Taking off my clothes, I hopped in the shower as it drowned out the sobs that escaped my chest. My tears mixed in with the shower, and I let the water flow through my hair as I just wanted a minute to calm down.. to compose myself. To think.

It's bad enough that I have to deal with Gavin and his nature, but the addition of his condescending mother and judgemental father, not to mention Beckham's overwhelming presence in my mind.. it was all going to drive me crazy. Stepping out of the shower, I threw on a pair of grey sweats with a gray shirt and cardigan. My wet hair dripped onto my shoulders, and my eyes were almost bloodshot red from crying. As I finished putting on my eucalyptus stress relief lotion in the hopes that it would work to calm and soothe me, Gavin walked into the bedroom.

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