city of love?

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Some say that Paris is the most romantic city of all. People want to come here for a lovely honeymoon and even get married. But underneath that lovely perception  there’s cruel and heartless people wanting to attack innocent civilians for some reason. The attack is happening everyday. There's screaming , crying and blood on the floor just to name a few. The city was corrupt thanks to the leader called The supreme. Who manipulate and give the magic jewels for those who are in they’re darkest time. The reason why I gave jewels to them. So they can attack the civilians and take their revenge on whomever they please. The city was in a sorry state but there’s one man who chose to wake up one day and decided that he will be the light, the protector, the one who will bring peace to this tragic city. But who could that be? 

In the old apartment room live father and son. The room has 2 bedroom 1 bathroom a balcony and a living room .  Gabriel Agreste is a tall charming single dad who works 2 jobs who loves his kid and never stops even though his son Adrien can be a handful little emo tean . Cause he just got a call from his son’s teacher that Adrien wrote bad words on the wall. Gabriel asks his son for a reason.” Adrien why did you do something like that?” 

Adrien replied nonsulandly “ Because i was bored and am glad that school is finally over so i write “ fuck this shit am out” don’t be so dramatic about i did something way worse” 

As much as Gabriel hates to say he was right.” I mean you  did try to burn your old school before (thank god it backfired) so this one is at least not that bad i guess but it is still vandalism.” he says try to lecture his son.

The emo teen ask” Do I look like I care?  “ Then he started playing Fortnite. *And by the way stop with the silly pun”. He said

Gabriel just sit on his couch contemplating on what to do. He’s sun just doesn’t give a shit about everything except playing games and causing trouble. Suddenly a phone ring interrupting his thought. He check to see that it was his boss . It’s 6pm and he is so curious about what she wants right now?

He pick up the phone and says” Yes ma’am.” 

He’s boss says”Gabriel i hope everything run smoothly while i was away i will be from Italy tonight see you tomorrow we got a lot of work after this fashion werk.” 

Gabriel says' ' Yes of course everything is ok in our company. I guess the show must have been successful because the orders just keep coming. “ 

His boss says” Yes but we will discuss it tomorrow. I'm way too busy being cute and do stuff right now  .” 

Gabriel says” Sure miss see you tomorrow.” 

His boss is hung up.

Gabriel sighs” great she’s back.” He walked to the bathroom. 

When Adrien notices his father is away, it is now time for mischief; he walked to the balcony and says to himself” It’s time.” He uses his jewels and transforms into Claw Noir, the trouble team who come in and destroy shit everywhere he goes. He jump out of the balcony ready to be a maness to society.

After Gabriel is done he realizes that his son is missing again. He sighs in annoyance.” Do I seriously need to keep an eye on him 24/7 like why did he keep missing. Suddenly he hear a loud bang and he know what that means. Time for his second job.

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