is it over now

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Nathalie called Mislè on a phone to discuss what happened; they both cry in devastation, including Ivy for some reason.

“Like at first we have to hide our relationship for safety reason and it all goes to weste cause he’s not ready for me , this heartbreak has been unbearable , i’ve flirt with a lot of people but when they done with me i never felt this sad.” Nathalie speaks while crying.

Mialè says while wiping her tears with tissue” I think that’s because you are truly in love with him, he's not a part of your game anymore am sure when he’s got his shit together he will be back for you.”

Nathalie wipe her tears and pet Ivy’s head to comfort her. She says “ Well he’s a superhero and a single dad so that may be a contributing factor I guess but we were hanging out just fine before.”

Mialè finally calmed down so the epiphany just hit her. “ Wait i think i know why before this you 2 were just hang out and nothing serious but the moment you ask him to be your man he could be thinking about how this is gonna affect his son. I mean you two can’t hide your secret forever but at the end of the day I'm sure he loves you with all his whole heart.”

Nathalie sighs “ Yeah that could be it.”

Mislè says” Trust me girl dating a dilf is not easy but if he cares about his family as much as he cares about you is a total green flag it’s proof that he will be loyal and never leave you and his kid behind. I’m a girl with the divorce parents and I'm so lucky that my mom found a caring step dad later on. And I know once his son gets to know you he will absolutely adore you.”

Nathalie finally smile again and says” Thank Mialè you are the bestest friend a girl could ever ask for and i’m really happy for you and your mom.” She hang up the phone and continue to pet Ivy and softly “ Is ok Ivy no need to be sad he will be here again i think.”

Gabriel is lying on his couch eating 7 bars of chocolates while Nooroo sits quietly on his shoulder. Eventually the butterfly kwami spokes “ i’m sorry it has to be this way Gabriel i know is not an easy decision to make. “ hHe nuzzles Gabriel’s shoulder.

Gabriel manage to calm down and says” Deep down i know my secret love affair would be revealed and Adrien is gonna be so hurt.”

Nooroo speaks softly “ Maybe you can ask him.”

Gabriel nodded and says “ Maybe you right i will ask him tomorrow then he deserves to be in this conversation . I know it is Hesperia that goes out with her but it will affect my life as Gabriel sooner or later.”

Noo raises his voice in confusion.” Hold on, are you implying that you as  Gabriel also liked her?”

Gabriel replied “ well ...kinda ...look Nooroo Hesperia and i are the same guy with 1 heart of course we love the same woman. I know it’s crazy but love is crazy so it makes sense.”

Nooroo nods his big ass bolling head that Gabriel has no clue how did he stay up like that with that big fat malon and the body that’s tinier  than his fingers but then again Nooroo is a magical creature and thus everything is possible regardless of physics.

The next day

Gabriel and Adrien are having a quiet breakfast like usual. Than Gabriel interrupt the silence by asking Adrien” So son can I ask you a question?”

Adrien replied “ As long as it’s not about school , of corse.”

Gabriel began to ask “ So if I were to date a new woman would you be ok with it?”

Adrien asks grimly.” Why did you find someone?”  that is so soon she better not replace my mother.” he says a bit angry.

Gabriel says softly “ No one can replace your mother, her spirit will forever live on and whoever I dated can never take that away. However, we can move forward and find someone new without forgetting the past.”

Adrien says “ Right and besides she just only  gonna be a stepmom not a real mom so i don’t care as long as she’s not bothering me and treat me like a 5 year old.”

Gabriel nods his head and says “ Alright.”

Adrien asked further, “ So is anyone I know?”

Gabriel replied “ Yes it’s Nathalie.”

Adrien’s jaw drop to the floor as he scream what the fuck!!!”

Gabriel says  calm down son is not official yet.”

Adrien yelled “ Is better not be cause that lady is famous so i could potentially getting lots of attention not to mention she will put me in the ridiculous outfit and call it cute.”

Gabriel reassure him “ Is ok son she won't do that she’s the stylist icon not a little girl who wanna play dress up with their brother and we will make sure no cameras will comes near you.”

Adrien says a bit calmer than before “ You better keep that promise.”

Gabriel nods his head as he goes to clean everything up and get ready for work he hopeshis boss weasen't in distress.

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