Prologue - A and Ω

Start from the beginning

Anyhow, I couldn't be bothered to deal with either of them anymore, I couldn't help them when I was younger, and I can't help now. As soon as I get the funds, I'm outta here... fuck, that's cold hearted, but I guess you have to be nowadays. I'm not very well liked by most, I hurt a lot of people back in the day, and it's like I want to change but I can't. Now I only have a small fractions of friends compared to what I used to have. The only ones who really tolerate me now is either Butter's and maybe Kenny, though we don't talk as much anymore, but we were still cool with each other. Kyle was the only one that supported me in my decision, hoping that I could change shit in SPPD. But that's about it, everyone else hates my fuckin' guts now. I can't change what I've done, and I can't change people's opinion of me overnight, even if all I'm doing is trying to keep them dumb, redneck bastards safe.

Leaving my home, I get into my car, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, before driving off. I probably shouldn't be behind the wheel, judging by my lack of sleep and the couple of drinks I had earlier, but fuck it...

I had no idea where this cabin was, seeing as I was forcibly kept out the loop, and kicked out every group chat on our facebooks, except Butter's 'Hello Kitty Island Exploring, Tips 'n Tricks'. And that really isn't my style. Instead, I decided to hide my car and follow one of the many people that was driving into the woodland. Thankfully I lived near the border of the woods, so I didn't have to wait long, as a pickup truck drives right past me. I laugh slightly under my breath, seeing who they were.

Kenny and Cartman were drinking on the back of the truck, whilst Stan and Kyle were in the front seats. My chest ached slightly, as I remember when I used to join in their shit, good memories. "Of course they'd be here..." I growl under breath, groaning at the obvious blaring rock music, coming from Stan's truck.

Turning on my ignition, I trail behind them, trying to not make it to obvious that I was an unwelcome guest following them. And I know that they all know what my car looks like, so I'm trying to keep in the dark for most of the short journey. It wasn't long until we came upon a huge gathering of young adults and teens, from across the state at this huge cabin in the woods. Decorations and drunken people were everywhere I looked, along with the stench of cannabis loitering in the area. Everyone seemed to have parked just anywhere away from the trail, so I was doing the same. Taking a breath of confidence, I step out my car, taking in the surrounding area. Fuck, I wish I brought a couple of beers with me, if anyone recognises me I'm sure they'd do their best to spit in my drink.

I settle on having another smoke, seeing Eric, Kenny, Stan and Kyle slowly walk towards the party as I stood by a tree. Just as I light my cigarette, I hear slow, creeping footsteps behind me. "If you're gunna try sneak around me, It won't fuckin' end well for you." I announce, turning around. Looking up from my smoke, I see Tolkien holding a crate of beer in his arms, and a shocked look on his refined face.

"Tolkien, the drinkin' age is twenty-one, pal." I mutter, laughing slightly, as his shock look falters into a small smirk. "Coming from a guy who smells like a mini-bar most days, I'd say you're not in a position to judge." He quips back, standing straight, just being a couple of inches taller than me. "Touché..." I grunt, looking back towards the party. Seeing all the people having fun, living through their youth normally kinda makes me envious of them.

"Y'know, not a lot of people are gonna be happy if they see you here, [M/N]. Pi- I mean, Cops aren't the friendliest bunch, especially towards people looking like me." Tolkien explains, feeling a frown come to my face as I look at him. "I'm not like that, Tolkien. You know that... right?" I say, almost in a begging tone. I must've sounded pathetic...

"I know, don't worry. I'm just saying that others might not get that. And now with these murders going unsolved, people hate you guys more than ever..." Tolkien clarifies, making me nod in agreement. It's true, I'm frustrated as much as the next guy that these investigations aren't getting looked into more, I'm probably one of the few that's been assigned to the case by Chief Harrison. Being a Deputy Sheriff I'm supposed to be assigned to a partner, but I'm not well liked in the precinct and I hate most of them too. Working alone has its benefits, like not having to tend some middle-aged asshole's coffee and doughnut needs. so I can't really complain.

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