He breaks the silence "Can I go to the drive in next week?"

"Sure, with me. I'm going with Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dallas." He nods

"Maybe I can get to know Ponyboy a little better, He's interesting."

"That's a great idea! Pony is a great kid, from what I know though he doesn't have many friends his own age. And you're right he is interesting. I think you two could become really good friends."

He softly smiles "Yeah, maybe."

He yawns then I do too "I'm going to bed, you should too it's late and you've got school."

"Mkay." He stands and walks back to his room

I go into the kitchen and put the flowers into a vase, they are quite pretty. The whole time I'm doing it I have an odd uneasy feeling, like something's wrong but nothing is. I brush it off and go upstairs and get ready for bed.

I fall asleep after a few minutes of tossing and turning.

"You ready?" I turn and see Rich in a fancy navy suit with a light blue tie.

I take a look at myself in my vanity mirror one last time, my curly hair is pinned into a bun with a few strands hanging out framing my face with my bangs. I stand up and my sparkly dark green dress straightens out, stopping just before the floor "Of course I'm ready! Let's go!"

He puts his hands up defensively "I was just making sure! You always take the longest to get ready and dad is already in the car."

"Then let's go." I push past him and run down the stairs and out to my dad's car. I get in the passenger seat just as Rich sits in the back "Hah! I got shotgun!" He sticks his tongue out at me

My dad smiles "Alright you two no bickering till after the party." He begins to drive.

Tonight's our fifteenth birthday party, we're having a massive dance type thing. The dress code was super fancy and sparkly, we rented a hotel ballroom, my mom got some fancy cakes, and all the decorations should be blue and green. Our favorite colors. We both wanted this theme since we're too young to go to prom.

I was really really excited to see all of our friends dressed to the nines. Especially Hannah and Marshall, he hates getting dressed up but I knew he would for this, Hannah on the other hand just needed an excuse, she likes sparkly dresses. Rich invited half the damn football team so I wasn't particularly excited about that but I also invited some cheerleaders so I guess it was even.

I was shaking with excitement when we pulled into the hotel parking lot. My dad helped me out the car and walked us both in to the ballroom. When we pushed open the doors everyone was standing in front, when they saw us they screamed 'Happy Birthday!' I jumped up and down and hugged everyone I invited.

Marshall was tugging at the collar on his suits he looked great. "I can't believe you made me wear this."

I smile "Hey man you chose this. You didn't have to come."

"No no I had to come, who else would annoy you and scare off all the dumb football players?" He smirks "Speaking of.. there's one staring at you already." I turn around to see ##### ####### All I hear is static and my vision goes black for a second What the hell was that?

"I mean who wouldn't stare? I look absolutely stunning!" I spin around

"You do, you really do Stacy."

After countless hours of dancing and partying and eating I was beat. I told people not to bring presents because I just wanted to have fun, Marshall and Hannah didn't listen. Marshall got me a necklace with a little constellation on a gold slab. It was the Orion constellation, the one I always point out the second it becomes visible. I thought it was so pretty I put it on immediately and wore it for the rest of the party. Hannah got me a beige Elvis shirt that looked pretty cool. I changed into it later that night and it was definitely the most comfortable shirt I've ever worn.

Rich was even more wore out than I was. Him and his football boys were very rowdy. And one point they all went outside and played football, in their suits, with a pillow as a ball. One of the boys didn't play though, it's was ##### There's that static again! What is that? He stayed inside and chatted with some of the cheerleaders. He was quite handsome, I noticed him steal glances at me. He never talked to me though.

When everyone left we stayed and cleaned up best we could. The hotel staff said they would handle it so we went home, I passed out in the car and woke up in my bed. My dad had always said no matter how old I get he'll always do that. I changed clothes and laid back down.

I sat there thinking for a while. Mostly dumb shit. But a lot about my future. Will I ever get married? What am I going to be doing as a senior? Will I ever move? I hope not. Will I have a good relationship with my brothers? Will something bad happen?

And unfortunately the questions became more and more present.

That guy ##### was really cute, does he like me? I wonder what he's doing right now. Is he a good kisser? Does my brother like him? Is he nice? Would he get along with Marshall? I wonder how long we'd date for.

I would unfortunately find out the answers the hard way.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
I hope everyone is doing well today! Make sure you drink water and eat and take care of yourself. <33
Thanks for reading!!

Word count : 1683

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