Chapter 7

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(Rachael's dorm room)

iida and i walked into to dorm room building

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iida and i walked into to dorm room building. "I really don't know how we are going to practice my gift it's not as practical as it's unpredictable" I said. i think he was seriously having to much faith in me. "nonsense nothing can't be perfected especially when studied" he said prideful. "how about we skip the practising.we get some snake and try this mugwort mask i just got." "Rachael you're not gonna to go far with slacking off." he told me off like a teacher. I rolled my eyes at his serious. "ok fine i'll get some water and then we will go to my room." his face quickly shifted to a small panic. "your room are boys allowed if your room. i wouldn't want to be breaking any rules." "relax you'll be fine and it's just to studying" seriously is this guy addicted to rules. "I-i just" he began stuttering. "oh come oh" I dragged him to my room. "Rachael this is highly inappropriate" "what studying?which FYI was your idea.just relax your cute geek butt" I opened the door and pushed him in. "see your in my room and the world didn't blow up." "i never said the world would blow up.that would be ridiculous" I couldn't help but giggle it's not like i meant it literally. "your room is very pink" "yea it's been my favourite colour since i could remember." he stiffly sat on my vanity chair. "how convenient. I noticed your powers are also pink" Why was he suddenly so stiff.well more then usual. I rolled my eyes before sitting on my bed. "yea it kinda is.the women in my family who have the quirk seem to have it in different colours but the ability dose sometimes manifests differently.for exactly my great ant could manipulate psychic energy in blue and her specialty was projection.she'd make objects appear or create illusions out of thin air" "so that's something you will be able to do." I laughed at the ridicules statement. "probably not psychic energy manipulation is such a broad term." "but in theory" he said a little to hopeful. "no even incredibly powerful users can do everything. when it comes to psychic manner most of the power growth is different and unpredictable" "i see dose everyone in your family have this quirk." "they don't always have the ability but they have some aspects. like my mother she's just telepathic but she is still to be feared.but my cousin Jordan takes after her father.her quirk is tide in with the earth and my sisters quirk has some elements of light from my father." he began rubbing his chin. "what can you do mentally." "mostly aura's the easer form of empathy which is ok but i really have to focus.and it's no where near as hard as telepathy which requires to much energy" he stayed silent for a second. "ok well we can start small read my emotions" "I already have that down ish" "Just trust me.since i'm 'totally smart' as you would say i know what i'm doing" I giggled at high pitched impression of
me. "Ok fine just let me prepare myself" "you can't always prepare might not have time in we need to work on that for the future" I nodded and tried to prepare myself quickly.i closed my eyes and began to focus like usual. It took a minute but i got it.Anxiety and nerves pulsing off him "are you still nervous about being in my room" he quickly turned red. "yes i emm" he clenched his throat before continuing. " stay focused try to control my emotions" I quickly felt my own anxiety. "I can't do something like's to advance controlling someone's emotions completely" he nodded in understanding. "then can you at least try soothing my anxiety" "i'm not"iida seemed to have a lot of faith in me.i should have some to plus soothing isn't completely changing the emotion its just minimising it. "ok i'll try." I'm not gonna lie i didn't really know where to begin. normally my abilities work with a calm mind and focusing on what i want but that doesn't work for everything. a shaky sweat filled hand grabbed my arm. "it ok just focus" I felt a vibration travel from my arm to him. "oh wow i think that kinda worked" I opened my eyes. "i see the ability mostly work better threw physical touch"he stopped talking. blood dripping onto my lap. I could see the panic on his face. "i'm fine don't worry I just get a little worn out from today". "worn out! your bleeding" I laughed a little. "it's fine.i get them a lot when i use my quirk to's obviously just something i need to practice on" he didn't seemed convinced. "ok now what do you want to try " I said trying to shift the topic. "I don't think we should over do it.I don't want to causes you harm and id be an awful friend to encourage you to continue" He said firmly. he was right i just wish i could snap my fingers and suddenly be powerful. a smile then began to creep on my face. "ok well since we can't practice we should give each other a facial." i begged. "i can't ill get my shirt wet" i rolled my eyes for the millionth time. "just take it off" "that would be highly inappropriate to expose myself to a lady in her room." I couldn't help but laugh. "i'm being serious stop laughing" "fine will do facials on another day.i am actually a little exhausted from today" Iida nodded collecting his things. "well good bye best friend.i will see you in class tomorrow early" He said formally. I laughed once more. "bye iida i'll talk to you tomorrow"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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