Chapter 3

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I couldn't stop tossing and turning in all night.I had no sleep My mind was in overdrive .dose she really just want me to forget dad how could I forget my own father. I get it it's been five years.It just really bothers me I didn't know that part of him.The part that made him want to be a hero to begin with.The part he was willing to die for. "Miss Colebourn can i please ask you something" I said knocking at the teacher's office. "of course dear did something happen" she seemed worried granted I didn't talk to her a lot. i actually went to great odds to avoid her but this was about my dad. "yes i'm just asking about U.A I'm assuming because your the head of the exchange program you'd know everything" "oh the program allows you to finish the rest off you school years in Japan there be a small dorm student ms and i will stay in." "not that stuff" I said taking a breath before continuing. "what is it like. is it a good safe school what would make someone want to join." I questioned. i appreciate hero's i just never got it.why you'd be willing to risk your life for strangers. "this is about you father isn't it" she questioned. I nodded in shame i didn't think i was being that obvious. "you know I remember your father going on about that school. how he was excited to pass down the great knowledge he's also where he met your mother" "My mother went to U.A" I was astounded why didn't she tell me is there more to this. "wait did you say pass down like to his children" "I think he meant sidekicks at fist but then you came along and your quirks it's potential" I couldn't help but let out a dry laugh. "Instead i became a to self-centred to use my quirk.I must be such a disappointment" I could feel myself getting worked up inside.but i was keeping my cool I was sick of crying i've been doing it all night. "doubtful he loved you and was proud how strong minded you where. you knew who you where and stood in it" Her attempt to make me feel better failed but i appreciate the effort. An insane thought crossed my mind and before i could fully think my mouth took over. "Could i please sign up for the U.A exchange" Miss Colebourn sat there with her mouth open. she was searching what to say. "Rachael are you sure you have never shown interest in this stuff before.I literally have a draw full of forged notes to sit out the hero studies" She pulled out a pink note from the draw. "Dear miss Colebourn Rachael can not attend training this week because of a fresh manicure" "That was real the manicure was fresh and if i broke a nail that's £30 wasted" She huffed at my statement as if it was unreasonable. "Rachael my point is you shouldn't be doing this just because if you father" "Just let me sigh up.if i'm as prissy as you make out i'll fail the test anyway" I sassed. she remind silent hoping i would change my mind. "You will need a parents signature and an update passport. have the from filled in by tomorrow" she said passing me the form. "thank you" "but Rachael a word of advice you have a dormant quirk might i suggest you figure out something before the exams" I nodded before leaving.
half the day went by slow i spent most of the classes scheming a way to trick my mother to filling the forms.I barely had time to top up my makeup in between classes. "Are you insane" dionne stormed to me. "what are you talking about" "I just heard from Stacy that you applied to U.A" I frowned at the fact it's being spread around i mean is it even that interesting. "do you know how embarrassing it is for me to hear this from stacy" "god i hate stacy" Of course the bitch heard. "hey Rachael" a warm honey voice said. "hey sammy" My face started to heat up from the blushing. I must of made it to obvious i was melting inside because i noticed dionne giving me a look of shame. "I heard your also applying to U.A I hope we get in it would be nice to see a familiar pretty face" I nodded not able to for words. "and don't pay attention to what people are saying. anyone can be a hero with the right heart." My blushing quickly shifted to an offended expression. "is that what people are saying that i can't become a hero" Electra Joined the conversation before speaking "more like laughing especially the other contestants" Dionne said filling me in. "I heard one guy saying a all they have to do is say they can see you hair extensions and you'll run away crying " "how dear they i do not wear extensions" I then noticed the Dionne and Electra people shear a glance of disbelief. before i confessed. "Ok I am wearing extensions but you can't notice right" I asked in panic. "Rachael that's not the point" Dionne said. "I know maybe I could put hair removal cream in there shampoo" "No you just need to train and prove them wrong" Sammy said laughing. "right of course" I shrugged it not like i didn't plan on training. "my quirk for the most part in useless but i can make semi decent force fields I managed to learn when i was ten" What i didn't mention it was a childish delusion I had about getting vengeance towards my father's killer. "but they need a little work they shatter to quickly" I confessed. "That's fine we can meet after school. the three of us can help you train"Sammy said with a wide smile. "wear something easy to move in i'll meet you all at the football pitch"He continued walking away to class.

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