Chapter 6

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As usual my heart was shattered. i thought we'd be learning something cool but he's making us do sports.sorry a 'quick exam'. The blond kid from before just threw a ball with his explosive quirk I learned his name is bakugou he uses a lot of hair spray . normally i would go over and give hair advice on a healthy hair spray.however he's a little scary he threatened to kill like thee students just today and i'd rather not be on that list. how the hell am i going to use my quirk it's mental. luckily I had a go fail proof go to back up plan. "hey Mr Aizawa i can't take part in today I just had a manicure.i have a sick note" I say passing him the pink paper. "is-is this a practical joke" he said annoyed.he the sniffed the paper and became more annoyed. "is this strawberry" "actually it's lychee" began to tear the paper.i didn't know someone could rip paper both angry and calmly. "you will be taking part in every challenge and i would avoid failing unless you want to be kicked out the school" "but my abilities don't work with physical stuff." i wined. "not my problem if you want to be a top hero learn to find a way" he said walking away. "i'm sure he's just being tough because he seems potentially" Momo said trying to make me feel better. "i'm so going to fail and wreck my nails."
I made my way to the race track Sammy was there. "hey what's with all these tests crazy right" I said making small talk. "not really if you want to be the best you have to be prepared for anything" he said coldly i hated it. I then looked over to see iida and the fog girl sue race. iida shot across the field from the jets in his legs. "oh wow that's such a cool quirk" I said to him. "thank you fellow student" he yelled standing next to me. "are you always so formal" i asked. "what do you mean" he yelled again. so dramatic. "ok you and Todoroki will be next" Aizawa. "please! he was here first take him" I almost cried out pointing to sammy. "now!" he yelled. "i'm wishing you good luck" iida shouted. I stood at the starting line next to Todoroki " hey since we are seat neighbours is there anyway i could convince you to go slower so i don't look as bad." "what" he questioned.before i could repeat myself the gun went off. "shit" I began to run ad fast at i could. it ended quicker then i thought.maybe growing up liking sporty spice had some pay off. "11.03 seconds" the robot yelled. "fuck Melanie C" I whispered to myself.i was the slowest in the class.I was the failing at almost every task.luckily i wasn't the only one.the green haired kid Midoriya also seemed to be having trouble.the next task was jumping over sand luckily this one i actually had a plan for. "ok it's your turn Rachael." I created a small platforms with my force fields i used to walk over the sand. "yay finally something i didn't fail" I yelled out. "actually you did"Aizawa said behind me. "the tasks was to jump over the sand not walk" " how is that fair that guy over the used his dumb explosives to cross the sand" I pointed to bakugou he head immediately spun around in rage. "what did you say you dam extra" " never mind the explosives are very cool and totally fair" I said in fear before turning to Aizawa. "my point is my quick can only be used like this.none of these activities work with my's unfair i should atleast have this" I argued. "if i give you special treatment how will you grow.failure is a lesson" he walked away. "good it's about time someone didn't pamper you" Sammy said walking by.Normally I would snap back at someone but it was Sammy I didn't want to hurt him more then i clearly have. Midoriya had just finished throwing his ball he seemed to have a strange aura around him. I had only just noticed it now.I couldn't tell what it was.the energy around him it was like that of a hundred people.It was a great power Im shocked i could sense it.i wasn't even focusing. "he's a quirkless loser" I heard one of the scary kid say. but he couldn't be not with aura like.its the strongest here. "hey idia you where in the exam with Midoriya right" "yes he was the only person to earned rescues points taking down a rather large robot" "I was the one he saved" a energetic girl called Uraraka said joining are conversation. "then why hasn't he used his quirk all day" I was curious.He was on the same level as me.yet his power has to be something incredible why has he been holding back. "well last time he used his quirk he shattered half of his body" Uraraka seemed worried. "if he doesn't use his quirk he will most definitely be leaving the school.we both are" he was about to throw the ball and suddenly it's like his aura a was frozen. "I erased your quirk" Mr Aizawas eyes glowed red while his scarf swirled around him. "the judges where not rational enough.someone like you shouldn't never be allowed to enrol" someone like what? there are people here with all kinds of quirks that could be dangerous. "your eraser head" Midoriya yelled. "eraser head really" I giggled to iida. "you should have more respect for a great hero" I rolled my eyes. "of lighten up iida i was just kidding"
"you have no control of you power no discipline.what are you going to do shatter your body and expect someone else's to save you" why was Mr Aizawas being so harsh. i mean isn't the point of coming here to improve your quirk. whatever he said must of motivated Midoriya.he tried to throw it again. he brokered his finger but the throw seemed to impress everyone well almost everyone. "deku tell me how you did that or your dead" Bakugo charged at Midoriya.there was real fear in his eyes and i don't blame him Bakugo looked like a wild animal.Mr Aizawas managed to detain him with his scarf. "he wants to be a i the only one who thinks that's insane" I made another joke to iida. "not all heroes are good people believe me" Todoroki said from behind us. "but then why would you want to be one" "some people just want fame and glory.everyone had a reason to be a hero not all are Nobel." Todoroki said. I mean it makes sense who doesn't want to be famous but surly there are other ways then risking your life.
everyone gathered around Midoriya. I slipped away to Mr Aizawas. "please sir i know i'm last place but being at this school is really important to father wanted me to go here and i really am trying to improve." I begged what was a supposed to do. "you are miles behind your classmates within your quirk how your managed to get in is ridiculous" "I know but being here means a lot. my father went here i think you knew him.Gleam"I passed him the old picture i kept with me.maybe using my dead dad to manipulate his old friend his dirty but i don't care my dad wants me to be here i'm not letting him down.there was a shift in his emotions. "your parents are Gleam and sphinx? I'm surprised your so clueless with your quirk. your parents both are a great power " "was a great power" I said under my breath. "of course my apologies" I was about to say it's fine until I noticed iida stomping towards us."Mr Aizawas you can not kick out Rachael.this is poor mentorship and if she did fail it's not fair she deserves a second chance.i will gladly help her all semester if need be"
"that will not be necessary now line up while i do the list" He said walking away. I then turned to iida a lightly hugged him.his face was still stern but there was a little blush. "I'm sorry i wasn't able to convince him.i'm a bad friend maybe if i wasn't so hostile" "no honestly i really appreciate the effort your a good friend" I forced a smile.
We all stood there i was in shock i knew i'd be last place but tide with Midoriya is crazy.he did more then i did i only passed nothing technicality. "hey for what is worth i thought you did kinda awesome." I whispered to him. he still seemed to be disappointed which i get. "And I was lying no one is going home" everyone was frozen including myself. the relief practically stunned me. "that was a rational decision to make sure you put your all within the test."
"Oh my beyoncé i can't believe he did that.can he do that" I turned to iida. "i guess" "i'm supposed none of you figure it out i guess i should of said something" mono said to everyone. "well atleast now I can help you with your quirk." Iida turned to me with a smile. "Maybe but tonight i think i'm gonna do something fun like shopping therapy" I said gathering my things. "studying is fun" "have a mentioned how much of a geek you are" I joked he didn't laugh so for a second i thought maybe i offended him "i mean that in a good way" he smiled. "So i heard you talking about your father to Mr your new best friend i think it's customary for me to offer my condolences" "new best friend" I asked. "yes your the first friend i made in the school.therefore your my best friend it's only customary" He can't be serious "well i'm not sure that's how making friends works but sure i'll be your best friend " I giggled. "And i can't be top student if i don't keep befriend from being bottom of the class." I couldn't help but laugh at his bluntness. "i'll try not to take offence to that comment" he them look a little disoriented. "it's not a bad thing I probably should befriend the class geek" his smile then grew. "I guess being a stick in the mood pays off sometimes" his smile the turned mischievous. " in that case we are studying all night and i will not take no for an answer." "that's not really what i meant i didn't pack my curl cream so shopping is vital" I whined  begging for mercy. "your not going to let me go are you" he shook his head with a friendly smile.

A/Nwish i could give you a look in the PE kit be AI was not giving)

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