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(Titains! Jason Todd x female! Reader)

Jason walks into the kitchen of the Titan's tower. He's just come back in from a patrol as Robin. He has blood leaking from his nose and an already developing black eye.

"Jay? That you?" You called out softly as you rubbed your eye with you fist while you waddled into the kitchen where he was

Jason ignores you as he takes a handful of painkillers and washes them down with a bottle of Jack Daniels. He sits down and tries to hold in a loud groan.

"Jay? Hey, what happened?" You sit down beside him and gently turn his face to look at yours. Your eyes filled with concern

"Get off." He growls back, pulling his head away and downing another glass of booze.

Your eyes flash with hurt. "Jason, what. Happened?" You ask again, your tone stern this time

"Why the hell does it matter?" He grumbles, not even bothering to look at you as he pours a third glass of whiskey.

You grab the bottle and cup and set them aside. You cup his face in both your hands. "ok, you clearly don't want to talk about it. So we won't, just let me help you get patched up, ok?"

Jason glares at you for a moment before he shrugs and sits back. "Whatever. Just make it quick."

You grab his arm and start pulling him to the bathroom. "ok, come on," then you grumble under my breath. "Sometimes I wonder why I'm your girlfriend'

Jason just scoffs before he lets you haul him into the bathroom. He's too drunk to resist.

Once you get him inside the bathroom, you help him strip of his armor than his clothes, leaving him only in his boxers

Jason doesn't say a word the whole time as you help him undress. Then again, he's too drunk to say anything. He looks exhausted and in pain. There's all sorts of cuts and bruises all over him.

You gently sit him on the counter as you pull out the first-aid kit. "OK, baby, just gotta get you cleaned up first, then I'll stitch you up, ok?"

Jason just grumbles a simple "whatever" as he leans back and waits to be tended to. He's clearly not having a great day.

You run a face cloth under warm water before gently wiping the blood and dirt off him, occasionally leaving small kisses on his jaw and cheeks

Jason closes his eyes and leans into your touch. His muscles are tight and tense, like his body has been put through hell.

You chuckle at him softly while setting the cloth down before opening the first-aid kit and pulling out disinfectant wipes

Jason winces as you clean off his cuts and bruises using the disinfectant wipes. Clearly, some of these wounds require stitches... but Jason never struck you as the type to go to the ER or a medical clinic.

You throw the now used disinfectant wipes in the trash. "Alright, love, I'm gonna have to stitch you up, so try to stay still for me," you say as you pull out a needle and thread

Jason does his best to sit still as you pull out the needle and thread. It's clear that the longer he sits here, the more he's going to start hurting. He grips the edge of the sink, trying not to squirm as you sew up the gash on his cheek.

After stitching up the cuts that needed it. You clean up and pull out some gauze and medical tape. "We're almost done love, just gotta bandage you up, and we can go to bed, alright?"

"Sure..." Jason grunts out, sounding less than enthusiastic about going to bed. He doesn't seem tired as much as he seems angry.

As you start bandaging up his wounds, you ask, "I know patrol was shifty, but what happened?"

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