nothin' to see here (glitter)

373 6 2

(There will be A LOT of POV changes in this)


It was late at night and all I could think was 'Fuck' as I was running down the hall carrying the oddly light arm that belonged to a sertent super soldier. who, conveniently was asleep.

"Oh God he's going to kill me" I mumble under my breath, as I open the door to my bedroom.

Opening the drawer where the art supplies were, I pulled out the glue, pink paint, and, pink glitter.

You can guess what happened next.

Time skip

(The next day)

Third person POV

As the team and (Y/N) sat down to eat breakfast they heard a scream from bucky's room. They all ran upstairs to bucky's room. Once they got there Steve kicked bucky's door down to see him standing there, shirtless with pink glitter and paint on his left arm.



He looked mad, no he looked like he was seething. Swiftly turning around and marching towards me, grabbing me roughly by the front of my shirt pulling me closer to him "what the fuck did you do to my arm" he growled (are you a dog) before steve placed a hand was placed on his shoulder.


Third person POV

"Buck" Steve said trying to calm down his friend, "how do you know it was them". at this buckys eyes widened "how do I know- Steve! it's got their FUCKEN name written ALL OVER IT" bucky voice turning into a yell as he spoke.

Shrugging Steve's hand on the shoulder but he quickly turn back to (Y/N) looking pissed "I'm giving you five seconds to run before I kill you" he said slowly letting go of (Y/N)'s shirt.



Just as bucky let me go I bolted out of the room, down the hall laughing. In the background I can hear Tony and Sam laughing their asses off as bucky's heavy footsteps pounded against the floor as he chased after me.

"YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME FUCKER" I yelled still running for my life.


(365 words! I'm sorry it was so short I promise to try make longer ones)

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