My daughter (Daddy? part 2)

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(Reader is 6 years old in this chapter)

(Lots of POV changes)

Third person POV (kinda)

Well shit.

What was he supposed to say?

No sorry kid I can't be your dad because I just killed your mom and and now I have to kill you too!

Fuck no! He may be the winter soldier but he has a heart, sorta.



For a few seconds he just stared at me before he stood up and walked over to momma wrapping her up in the sheets like they do in the movies when someone's de- oh, mommy's dead. Tears started welling in my eyes as he lied mommy's wrapped up body on the floor.

"мама умерла что ли" (mommy's dead, isn't she) I mumbled staring at the floor. It was silent, the only sound was tears hitting the wood floor, I hear footsteps coming towards me but I don't bother to look up. All of a sudden I was in his arms, the metal of his arm made me shiver and I guess he thought I was cold because he wrapped the blanket I was carrying around me pulling me closer to his chest. "да, но не волнуйся, малышка, ты у папы" (yes, but don't worry baby, daddy's got you) he said before climbing out the window.

(I'm going to make a part three, have a nice day/afternoon/night)

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