"If only the shape had been better."

"It's a work in progress. Consider it an early birthday gift."

Wolf shrugged.

"He says that now, but that's just so he doesn't have to actually get you anything."

Spider's smirk grew into a mocking grin.

"When's the last time anyone-"

"Ever got anything? I gave you a nice scar in your side last year. However is my gift giving ever going to improve?"

Viper's eyes lit up for a moment, almost in a literal sense.

"How about you aim for the face this year?"

"Nah, he's got the back of the head already. Think that's why he shaves it?"

Spider put the bones down, turning towards the twins.

"Of course. I'd be too handsome if I were to grow my hair out... though I did think about a beard."

"Okay, face it is. Eye or nose?"

"Don't like my nose much. Could you shorten it a little?"

Viper waved it aside.

"As much as I love our little chats over a pile of corpses, we have a job."

Wolf threw a rock at him, something Spider had not seen him pick up.

"As if you never procrastinate."

"I do, but I'm not supposed to be the one in charge. You're the commander of us lowly creatures, act the part."

"Bold words for someone in punching distance."

"Can we continue?"

They found Greyhound and Scorpion waiting for them.

As Spider had expected, his sister had found what was quite probably the most outlandish creature in the entire maze. But then, expecting her not to keep the giant scorpion was maybe too much to ask.

That did not mean Wolf didn't try.

"You know the drill, keep it at least 10 metres away from me or I will turn it to ash."

"C'mon, he wouldn't hurt a fly without my permission."

"Does my face look like someone that cares?"

"You wear a mask!"

"Exactly, keep it at a distance."

Spider could feel his sister's disappointment, but then what had she expected? It was not like Wolf hid his aversion for insects, arachnids or any of the myriad of creatures he had dubbed 'creepy crawlers'.

Greyhound cut the reunion short. "Five of us, five of them, I assume you have a plan, Wolf?"

"Get in and kill em all?"

"A little more detailed than that, please."

"Shadow Killers, what do we know about them?"

Wolf looked at Greyhound for this. None of the others had ever fought one of these kind of spirits before.

"They take possession of a host, and merge with them, forming a mixed consciousness, with the spirit in control. Kinda like-"

"Possession, yes. Tangents to a minimum."

"Right. Fast, close to or as fast as us. As fast as me for sure. Stronger than us, but you're all tougher, especially with your regeneration taken into account. If it comes to a fight, they can teleport same as us, and their shadowmancy is close to the same potency. Everything else is our advantage, or I will have to yell at the lot of you for neglecting your training."

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