XIV 🧺 Daphne Tries to Drown Herself

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❗ slight tw for mentions of drug use at the end of the story, pls read in a good state of mind  <3

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❗ slight tw for mentions of drug use at the end of the story, pls read in a good state of mind  <3

chapter XIV

🌷 It seemed like Percy had finally found something he was really good at: sailing.

The Queen Anne's Revenge responded to his every command. Somehow, he knew which ropes to hoist, which sails to raise, which direction to steer. They plowed through the waves at what Percy told them he figured was about ten knots, but Daphne just shook her head cluelessly. How he could even understand how fast that is was beyond her. Apparently, for a sailing ship, pretty darn fast.

He looked completely in his element, and it all felt perfect - the wind in his face, the waves breaking over the prow. Inky black hair was being tousled by the sea salted wind.

But something was wrong. He was frowning and looked concerned, and Annabeth had the same downcast look on her face. Daphne guessed that now they were out of danger, their failure had sunk in. Annabeth hated feeling out of control, and guilt was a common friend for Percy.

He couldn't get over how badly he'd messed up on Circe's Island. If it hadn't been for Daphne, he'd still be a rodent, hiding in a hutch with a bunch of cute furry pirates. He thought about what Circe had said: 'See, Percy? You've unlocked your true self!'

He still felt changed. Not just because he had a sudden desire to eat lettuce. He felt jumpy, like the instinct to be a scared little animal was now a part of him. Or maybe it had always been there. That's what really worried him.

Annabeth was just as on-edge. They hadn't spoken since they'd started sailing, about ten minutes ago. They stood on the boat, staring out at the sea in silence. Hermes' multivitamin was starting to ware off as Daphne felt a little seasick again, so she took one of his weird paracetamols and prayed for the best.

After about an hour of rocking back and forth, Annabeth announced that she wanted to go below deck to lie in a hammock. Daphne wanted to protest and ask her to talk about her feelings for once in a millennia, but she knew Annabeth preferred pretending like everything was fine when it certainly wasn't.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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