10-on going war.

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I always thought that this stupid war was over. 

It has been months. 

Months since Raph died. 

Months since my family was whole. 

Months since I was truly happy. 

I am now sixteen. A sophomore in high school. We declared war on the foot clan days after Leos announcement. A few battles had happened, we won some we lost son. Everytime I could not stop thinking about what if Raph was here. He'd beat all them up real good. 

Right now, were in the midst of a 'cold war' as Donnie and I call it. Casey and Leo doing a majority of the violence. Donnie doing all the techy stuff and I doing some fighting and helping when our allies are injured. Also at the same time continuing my studying in school. I got all As. I wonder if Raph would be proud. 

I was  sitting in the lab with Donnie. On the cot while he was  on the computer doing some kind of report. I just leaned on him, trying to keep the last bit of warmth  between us. I've been spending lots of time with Donnie. It used to be Raph. One problem lately is that we're severely under maned. Donnie says that we have another Hamato tribe that lives in Japan, so were trying to get in contact with them. 

It's so peaceful. All I can hear is the clickity clacking of Donnie's keyboard. It's so quiet. I think I feel like I was falling asleep. Donnie seemed very tired as well, maybe he can feel me and sleep with me. Like he and I did back in the hospital waiting room that day. He and I have snuggled a lot since then. We don't even ask each other, just do. 

Donnie sighs next to me, shutting his computer. I could tell he is frustrated over something. That's not  a good sign. I scoot in closer and wrap my arm around his waist. "Is there a problem big bro?"

Donnie rubs his eyes. "It seems like this tribe is isolated in the mountains of Japans. I can't find anyway to get to them." 

" Well. guess we're gonna have to write them a letter." I giggle. I have been horrible at joking lately. 

Donnie sighs laying his arm on me. I feel him rubbing my shell. "Its not that easy Mike, It's almost impossible to get to them unless you go there yourself." He looks down. Panic tries to fill me, but I'm way to tired. I pick my hand up and rub his face."shhh, we'll worry about it later." He continues to rub my shell. The exhaustion is over taking me. I fall asleep. Donnie does to. 


I do not know how much time has passed. One hour? Two? All I know is Donnie and I wake up at about the same time. The lab is still quiet. 

"Dee," I break the silence. " Is anything going to be the same? Even if the war ends and we get to rest like we did before." 

Donnie is silent for a moment. "No, Mikey. Life changes all the time. All we can do is accommodate and adapt , And unfortunately I think the war is far from over."

I feel sad again, like I've been the past few months. "Don," I say quietly. "You won't ever leave me right?" 

Donnie hesitates for a second. "No, even I was dead I would spend all my time right next to you." I smile grabbing Donnie's hand. "me to." 


It's now been a few days. 

Leo, Donnie, and I are all sitting in a room waiting for the others to come. We're discussing our next move. I'm mainly not paying attention since Leo and Donnie are discussing how to get in contact with that other clan. 

I'm Drawing with my oil pastels. It's kind of like a little kid picture in way, yet also kinda adultish. Its Leo, Donnie, April, Casey, and I. All living a peaceful happy life, without war. With Raph, papa, and Karai all up in heaven. Watching. Smiling. I look up to Leo and Donnie still discussing. 

"So, you've tried everything?" Leo asked Donnie. Looking extremely disapointed. 

"yes," Donnie replies. " I worked days and days.It just seems impossible."  Leo growls in frustration. He's been going crazy specially of late. I look at Donnie for a new solution. He's about to say something when Leo interupts. 

"In three months." Leo says. "I'll give you three months so you can attend to April and Caseys wedding. But if not then. You're going to be flown out to Japan and finding them." Donnie is very shocked. He shakes in nervousness a little then nods. I shake a little to. My heart aches for a minute. 

I don't want Donnie to leave. Not again. 

Leo storms out of the room to cool off. I let a tear escape hugging Donnie "y-you'll find a way right Dee?" A hold on to him closely. He hugs back. 

"Oh Mikey, I just don't know." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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