9- Greif hits hard.

19 1 1

I stare down at the two items horrified. 

Of course this wouldn't be the first time one of Raphs fights were reported by poilce. But, this time its different. The sight makes me burst into tears all over again. Leo looked at them panic filled his eyes. 

" We were called to the scene this morning and the first recovery were these." The police explained. " Then, we recovered some stuff with the foot logo on it and we've put them away in our confiscated items.Then, we dug a little deeper into the bay. And we've recovered two bodies. One is an exact match to what you described your brother. The other was of a young lady with the foot sign. We're gonna have to have you identify him. Can you come to the hospital?" 

I ignore the rest of the conversation since it is pointless. I collapse on the floor bawling my big brother is dead! Gone! Another family member had been killed by the foot! MY big brother was gone! I look up to my other two. 

I could barely see from tears but Donnie has sat down on the couch. His face is in his hands and he is letting out small whimpers. Leo is full on sobbing while talking to the police. My brothers are miserable and I feel like I've been torn to shreds. After an ammount of time the police gives his condolences and leaves. Leo turns to us. 
"You *sniff* heard the nice man *Hic* *sob* L-lets go. *Hic* 


Me and Donnie are in the hospital waiting room. Donnie refused to go back to the room and Leo said it was best I don't. But I am to filled with grief to care. I'm sitting next to Donnie. Making a glance over to him I decide to break the silence. "Dee." I choke. " Uh, whats the chances of the body they say is Raph is someone else and Raphs still out there. No at home. Waiting for us. " Donnie sighed beside me. 

" Slim, Mikey. Almost zero." He sobbed. My eyes welled u in tears again. 

"Still a chance."  I say before bursting into a whole new round of sobs. Wiping my tears from my eyes I can't help but shake. I can't overwhelm myself. My Asthma. I feel an arm around me. It's of course Don's. He pulls me in for a hug.

"Oh Mikey."  He chokes. " I'm sorry."  I return the hug. I need my brothers now more than I ever did. 


Donnie and I must have fallen asleep in the embrace. Cause I wake up several hours later. Awaken by the sound of Leo closing the door. He looks absolutely terrible. He is crying again. Or did he even stop? 
Me and Donnie look at him. A glimpse of hope in the both us shined. But Leo shook his head. 

"It's him." Leo breaks into sobs and sits next to us. You both include him in a hug and cry with him. 


After a long time we called April and Casey. Both are heartbroken. Then we let all our other friends know. In the background of the call with the mighty mutaninmals I hear Monas sobs and Spikes angered yell. Obviously angry over all this. 

I by now have run out of tears. For now at least. All we've been doing is talking with police and doctors and news people. 

When we get home Leo sits both Donnie and I down to tell us something. "The young girl. " He started. " She was shown to me. And." He pauses. "Its Karai. She and Raph both killed one the other." 

This shocks me and Donnie. Of course. That explains everything. I break into sobs again. I don't know why. I hate her. She should be dead. 


Its been a week now. 

The funeral was held. Everyone who knew us had come. We had it at the old farmhouse. He was burried right next to papa. Theyre together forever now. I hope theyre happy up there. With Tang shen and eachother.Maybe in Karai. 

About Karai's body. It disapeared two days after that day. Someone broke into the hospital and stole it! I don't know who. But I don't think about it alot. It just hurts. 

I've gone completely numb. Everything hurts. I can't stop thinking about Raph. And how he died a painful death. 

Now, more than ever I stare at the pictures on my nightstand. Deffinately wishing we could go back to those days. Even just for a minute. 

I haven't cooked in almost a month now. Just uber eats. I opened the fridge today to find a good majority of the contents spoiled. That was quite the chore. 

I haven't been out of the house, I haven't been to the tree house. I have hardly been out of my room. And so has my brothers. The house is too quiet. To empty. 

Thank god I'm on summer break. I'd sure be failing by now if I was in school. Despite my best attempts. 

But one thing has been on my mind since that day. Those dreams I had. The night Raph disapeared and the day I found out he died. What did they mean? Was the later a final goodbye? What was going on? 

Leo called us to the living room that morning after a month. He had a serious expression on his face. I could recognize it from all our old adventures. He had a serious announcement. I wondered what it was. 

"Crew." Im sure you guys feel just as horrible as I am. But I think we need to talk about moving on." Donnie and I looked at eachother wide eyed. " I don't mean to stop missing Raph. But we need to get back into training just like old times. Butt this is for a good reason. " He stopped for second his face became more grim.Looking down at his lap sighing. 

"I am declaring a new war on the foot."

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