7-A time skip

16 1 1


I've changed my au. When all of the previous chapters  went down Mikey was 14, now he is almost 16. 

the others ages: 

Karai: 21

Leo and Raph: 20


April: 21

casey: 20

This also contains new bits of my au. Sorry for no updates I had a lot of rough times since I last updated but I'm okay now. 


It's going on two years since Leo and Karai broke up. A lot has changed to say the least. Boy, where to even start? 

Leo has made a quick and speedy recovery. About six months after the break up he 'came out' as what they call it. Something called gender fluid, I know, I was confused to.  Apparently he goes by He/they/She depending on his way of dressing. It confuses me, I was never the best at English in school and now this? And apparently he is Bisexual to? When he first told us I thought like a bicycle? But apparently it means he likes both boys and girls. I'm fine with that I love my sibling. 

And if you are wondering why I get so confused on things like these. You gotta understand, I was living in a sewer for the first thirteen years of  my life. It's all very very confusing to me sometimes. Anyways what else is new? 

Oh yeah ,Casey and April begun dating. April finally made up her mind. Donnie was very upset for a while , but then got better to! I was mad at April at first but I learned to forgive her. Unlike Karai I will NEVER FORGIVE HER!

Apparently she's married to that same guy who she cheated on Leo with! And with a baby! I feel so bad for that baby. Born to a cruel mother and father. And not to Leo who would be a very good father. And since all that happened Raph told me that it was a cursed relationship anyways. Since they are technically half siblings. But I don't see Karai as our sister anymore. She's dead to me.

Surprisingly, thats all the catching up you need to know. We just began living with our new normal.  I grew onto it quite quickly and needless to say. It feels like it should have honestly been that way all along. 

Well thats it. Now I'm just lying on my bed with my headphones in, listening to music. Reflecting on these past two years. I feel myself drifting off to sleep. Maybe a little snooze wont hurt before I start making dinner. 


an hour, maybe two passed. I'm not sure I was sleeping.It feels so nice to nap on this kind of afternoon. Makes you forget all your worries and responsibilities. 




Leo is calling me. I stir and wake up. This better be good I was having a nice nap. Sitting up I greet Leos ocean blue eyes with my baby blue eyes. 

"Hey pal," Leo said "I know your resting, but you need to get up."

"Oh, " I mummur before realizing "Oh shoot I need to make Dinner!" I sit up quickly and throw my legs over the side of my bed. Its like five o clock now!

"No no." Leo said "April and Casey has called us. They want us to come to their apartment, they said they have an important announcement. " I smile getting up. 

"Okay." I stretch. " Anything fancy?" 

"No, just warm." Leo leaves the room. I smile again. I love these days. 

I get to work imeadiantly I throw on my favorite hoodie and jeans.I also spray some deodorant and make sure my face is clean.This does not take me all that long at all. So I sit down at my desk. 

I love having my desk in my room now. It has a lot of cool stuff. Some action figures a strewn across it. For creative art things and also I have one of those doll things artists use to make human drawings.The ones you can make funny poses with. And also a plant. Its so nice. Above me is a color wheel pinned to a corkboard. Along with a that one picture Leonardo Davinci drew with all the human limbs in different positions. A long with so much other stuff, like comic book pictures, reminders, and personal drawings. 

I love art. I wanna be an artist when I get older. My whole room is dedicated to art! I have shelves and shelves full of filled up sketchbooks. And also my old action figure of course! Then, I have my desk which is full of charcol pens, paint markers, colored pencils, oil pastels and so much more! Some other things in my room is my orange bed and dresser full of cool clothes. And right to my bed I have pictures with friends and my brothers. I get to look at them every night when I lay in bed! I threw out all the ones with karai though. 

You ask me why my room is not as messy as it used to be? Because I was diagnosed with something called ADHD and Autism. I guess it makes me act the way I am, So I am on medicines to help me. 

I pop in my headphones and listen to some post malone for a while before I hear Leo say. "Lets go crew!"  And I get up. I make sure to get my chucks out. Leo said We don't need them anymore since us mutants became legal. But I always make sure. You never know whats gonna happen. 


We decide to walk, since I guess gas has gotten really expensive. Its not that for so everyone's okay with it. 

Raph and I start chasing each other again. It has become a normal now for us to goof around on walks. This time I shoved him into a puddle and he got mad. But he already is mad a lot. So anyways we stopped in an alley to catch our breath and let Leo and Donnie to catch up. I'm still giggling when the finally do. I love these moments the most I never want this to end. 

This is when we hear a lot of foot steps. Like they were surrounding us. We all look up to the footsteps and I see an army of all to familar foot bots staring down at us. Ready to attack. And at the front is two all to familar faces. 

The one on the left was that man that Karai kissed. That day when she hurt Leo. Next to him was the B**** herself. 

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