The truth hurt

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Then the next day Brii came to my house unexpected banging on my door that Saturday morning at 7:00. I looked through the window and put on a big ass jacket with some slides and gym shorts. She started yelling saying "why df Uu wasn't texting me back like Uu coulda atleast called if Uu wasn't coming to my house". The advice my lil suss gave me wass like just tell her straight Upp instead of having her find out. I really like thiss girll mann and I wass like she rightt. so I told Brii "stopp yelling cause it's too early for that an my roommates sleep" and I just bought her inside. I have her a hug and a kiss saying that I needed to tell her something. She said "what Sheyy what is it Thiss better be important". I said "Wtff can Uu just calm df down first". She said "I'm calmed". Then I took a deep breath and went a couple steps back from her cause she crazy. She would prolly throw a knife at my head or some shitt. so I began and wass like "Alrightt so lemme tell Uu why I didn't go to Yo house or answer to Yo texts". "Yess please explain" she said. "well long story short I had to take some students on a tour around the campus and this girl named Chasity bumped into and dropped her stuff. The students went ahead of us do I told her I would give her a personal tour then it started to rain and took her to my dorm because hers wass too far and basically as soon as I got otp witchu...". She interrupted me "Sheyyy omgg I can't believe Thiss shitt Wtff did Yall do Wtff did Yall do ion even wanna hear itt ima go I gotta go". I pulled her back but I didn't have as much luck as I did with Chasity loll. So she left slammed the door and I tried to chase her but a nigga ain't feel like running loll. I kept blowing up her phone she never answered or it would go straight to voicemail. I wass like damn I fuckked upp.

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