Confused but comfortable

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   "I couldn't live without her . She is like a second mother to me and a huge help around here. Especially when your gone ."

    Something wasn't quite right.

     All was unnaturally quite. Where in the heck were the boys? Did Maz hide them away ? She hoped Maz had talked to the two rascals about their pretend daddy that was coming home with their mother.

  As if on cue , Maz came out of the kitchen , little Padme' riding on her hip.  For only four foot eleven and in her sixties Maz was quite strong and capable. 

    "Look mom, I've brought back your long lost son."  Rey hoped she didn't sound fake. This had to be convincing.

  It was almost comical  when Maz tried to give the big burly Alpha a welcome home hug.  Ben stood well over six feet tall and his 'mother' barely came up to his elbow.   This was his mother, he thought to himself.   Weird.

    Maz handed the girl over to her mother.  " And this is your daughter ,Padme'." 

     Ben looked at the toddler, trying to remember anything about her.  This was just so bizarre. The child should at least smell like it's father, but she didn't. Did something happen to his sense of smell along with his memory loss?

  She did have dark hair and chubby cheeks that resembled him.  Suddenly he felt woozy.    This was his kid?

"I need to sit down."    Ben sat on the lumpy couch and Rey held out the baby to him to hold on his lap. He took the child hesitantly,  then looked at her more carefully.  She was just as beautiful as her mother. 

Where had that thought come from?

   "Maz, where are the boys? They need to be here to greet their father."

"Their on their way home from school ." Maz took a moment to gaze at the two people on the couch.  "They should be home any minute now."

     Maz took a good look at the 'villain' sitting on the couch. Assessing his character.

How strange, she thought. This Alpha couldn't have done all those awful things to Rey. He seemed so quiet and kind. Look at him holding Padme'. He looks like he was born to be a father. And there was something definitely there between Ben and Rey.
  The chemistry . They looked so good together .  Like they were made for each other.  They just couldn't see it yet.

He had been in the house for less than fifteen minutes and he seemed to belong there. He felt comfortable .

Confused but comfortable.

A few moments later the boy came running in, backpacks thrown on the floor. Creating quite a ruckus. Maz gasped. They had tracked mud through the living room on their mad dash to the refrigerator.

   "You little scoundrels."Maz scolded the boys. " Your father just home and now he's going to have to clean up after you!"

"Come back in here and say hello to him." Maz had marched up to Anikin and grabbed the back of his shirt.

"No....No! You can't make me!" The boy squirmed . Needless to say it wasn't a tearful reunion on the boys part. Darth said a quick "hi dad." Then ran to his room and Anikin just stared at Ben. "What's wrong with them?" Ben asked perplexed at his son's behavior.

"It will take some time for them to get used to you again." Rey explained when Ben looked at her askance then shrugged his shoulders in acceptance . "Ben, you were always gone. You know, on your truck driving job."

He didn't know. It was maddening to not remember something so simple. Would his memory ever come back?

That seemed like the perfect story. He was a truck driver. Gone for weeks at a time on jobs that took him miles away. Away from his family and her.
But now it was time to get back to normal. She explained that he would take time off between jobs to be a 'Mr.Mom'. Do odd jobs around the house. He looked around again and took in his surroundings. Obviously he had been gone a long time . He would have many more questions to ask her but family life came first.

Rey helped Maz cook dinner while the boys did their homework. Ben was handed a mop and told to clean up the mud.

Why did it feel like he'd never done this before?

"Ben, son. We're having Meatloaf for dinner. Your favorite."

  Like he imagined, it was delicious. Maz was pleased as punch when he took a another piece of meatloaf, and loaded his plate with more mashed potatoes and peas. She had made a homemade chocolate brownie for dessert.

  "To welcome you home Ben." Maz gave him the biggest slice and added  vanilla ice cream for good measure. Well  she could spoil him . He will need his strength for  later.

       Ben just sat back and listened to the banter between Rey and her sons about who would win the Superbowl next month . The Chiefs or the 49ers .   She gave up on the discussion when the boys ran off to do their homework.
"Huh," he thought to himself. "These kids didn't even argue about the rule on no Tv.  until homework is done."

       Rey got up then came back to the table with a long list of something written on a piece of paper with a picture of a happy little bee buzzing around a flower.

   "Here. This is a 'Honey Do' list ."  She thrust the list under his nose.  It read as follows:

            Clean fireplace
Chop wood
           Fix leaky roof
           Pick up all toys from yard
              Weed yard , front and back
          Trim hedges
             Balance check book
           Cook dinner so your mom can put her feet up   
     and anything else that I might think of ...... this is just a start.

      "Well, you better get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day."  Rey turned on her heals and walk away. Her demeanor changing from a loving  fun mother to a cold and  unwelcoming ...... something.

     "Maz has made a bed for you on the couch." Rey yelled over her shoulder as she left the kitchen.

   "Hey, wait a minute!"    He jumped off his chair and chased her down the hallway , but he was to late as she slammed her bedroom door in his face.

Overboard, a Reylo Omegaverse love storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz