36: Since When?!

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I'm partial to happy ever after's and I always would be. Life can be so torturous and painful sometimes. And reading was always my escape. Even from mundane routine.

Besides Nobody escapes prison just to sign up for house arrest. No thank you. Reading brought me joy so I would only every read books that give me joy and hope when I complete them.

I zipped my bag after placing the books in.

"Senthuri, did you do your math homework?" Hae soo asked slightly panicked.

"Most of it. Why?"

"I didn't do mine. Well, technically I did. But I did the wrong exercises. "

"Okay. Here. You can copy mine," I pulled out my Math book and handed it to her. "Oh did you do the Physics homework? I couldn't understand those stupid circuits. I gave up and went to bed."

"Yeah I did. I'll explain circuits to you later but you can use my answers for now?" She said handing me her book.

"Thank you," I said with gratitude.

"Hey guys," Mark greeted opening the locker which was next to mine.

"Hey." We greeted back.

"Oh Sen. You know that play you told us you wanted to go to?"


"Did you get tickets for it?"

"No," I answered with disdain. "The tickets were all sold out. And it's only for 2 nights."

"Well, they're having an exclusive opening for some rich people club. I forget which one. Anyway, one of my dad's friends gave him two tickets for that show and my dad gave them to me because him and my mom have no patience for that sort of thing. So I was thinking-"

Mark is interrupted when I notice Jungkook approaching our group with both determination and annoyance.

"Jungkook-" I started to say either in greeting or in confusion at his expression. I didn't exactly remember the reason since instead of saying anything, he pushed me up against the locker and kissed me.

Infront of everyone.

Granted tons of students were in the cafeteria. But there were many of them lingering in hallways or walking around.

I felt all their stares on us including the shocked stares of my two friends.

I closed my eyes out of embarrassment and instinct. I think part of me believed this was one of those dreams that you wake up from shocked.

Not a dream.

"We should probably go," I heard Hae soo mutter.

"Yeah, you're right," Mark agreed.

I wasn't crazy. Ofcourse, kissing Jungkook is not something I'd complain about. But right now I was not only bewildered by his actions but I also wanted the ground to swallow me whole.

I hated being the centre of attention. And this pda was certainly making me or us rather, exactly that.

Why was he doing this?

His affectionate gestures I could convince myself was still within the boundaries of friendship.

This I could not.

But he hadn't even spoken about the kiss we shared on his birthday so why was he doing this to me now. Publically. It felt almost humiliating that he'd kiss me infront of everyone and then walk away being still just my friend.

So truly why was he doing this?

I froze against him, my hands pressed to his chest as he kissed me. I was too surprised and embarrassed to return the gesture.

It's A Fine LineHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin