I Have No Idea What to Call This

Start from the beginning

So, Nico did what any person in a position of power would do. 

He abused it.

"Come on, Will. For me?" Nico said, pouting a little more for good measure. 

Will almost looked like he was about to give in, but then Percy called out to him, and Nico found himself wishing he could murder Percy. 

Percy ran out toward them and Nico quickly took his hand off Will's arm.

"Hey!" Percy said, panting as if he'd ran a mile. 

"Where were you, man? We were about to start a new round." Percy then saw Nico, and his eyes went wide. 

"Oh, hi Nico. Sorry if I... y'know. Interrupted anything. Again." Percy said, obviously trying to hide his laugh. 

Nico rolled his eyes. Percy had teased Nico about Will ever since Will had given Nico his hoodie a few summers ago. 

Nico still has that hoodie. 

The color on Will's face disappeared, as well as Nico's power over him.

"No, you're good. I was just talking to Nico about how he shouldn't do camp activities yet. Besides, he needs to get some rest." Will told Percy, but he was looking at Nico. 

"Don't you, death boy?" Will asked. 

Nico just scowled and tried to resist the urge to roll his eyes again.

"Well, Nico can still play sitting-down games, right? We're in the middle of one right now. Wanna play, Nico?" Percy asked.

"Sure," Nico said.

They played two rounds of some game Nico had never heard of before, but it was fun. 

They were about to start a third when Annabeth walked up. "Hey, guys." She glanced down at the complex game. 

"What in the name of the gods are you playing?" She asked, sitting down at the table. Percy explained the rules to her, and Annabeth joined in. 

About halfway through, Nico said that he needed to use the restroom.

Once Nico finished up, he walked toward the table, but he heard his name, so Nico listened in. 

It's not like he meant to eavesdrop, it just kind of happened.

"-What's the worst that could happen?" Nico heard Annabeth ask. 

Will's voice muttered something, but Nico couldn't hear it. Nico only heard the tail end of what Percy said next.

"-Likes you back, Solace."

Nico found himself blushing. 

Will liked someone? 

The feeling of Will being romantically involved with a girl sent a feeling into Nico's chest, but it was more of a weighty feeling than a fluttery feeling.

"But what if..." Will started to say, but he trailed off. 

Will just sighed, and it was then that Nico decided to pretend like he'd just come out of the bathroom. 

Nico wanted answers.

"Hey, guys." Nico said once he was closer, and everyone was acting weirdly normal, laughing like they hadn't just been talking about something behind Nico's back. 

It was almost like they'd done this before. 

"What are we talking about?" Nico sat back down.

"Oh, Annabeth's telling me about some architect she knows." Percy said, much too quickly for Nico's liking.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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