Chapter 13: Kill The Spector

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"So, what's your story? Why are you hunting the Moon Knight?" I asked him. Marc inhaled deeply before talking.

"Years ago, I lived in a distant village where my father served as a priest, a respected figure in our community. My brother, Randall, and I pursued a less honorable path as mercenaries, much to our father's dismay, to make ends meet, tragedy struck when my brother returned home severely injured, his forehead marked with a crescent moon symbol. He recounted being attacked by a mysterious figure dressed in white, whom we later discovered to be the Moon Knight. Marc explained, his voice heavy with emotion. "A few months later, my father fell ill, and shortly after, my brother passed away." Marc continued, his voice tinged with sorrow. "I worked with another mercenary, named Raoul Bushman, in order to earn more money for my father's medicine. Unfortunately, by the time I got enough money, he had died as well."

"Then, I found out a few weeks ago that Bushman was killed by Moon Knight," Marc revealed, his voice filled with a mix of grief and bitterness. "At this point, I've finally come to the conclusion that I was going to kill him the moment I saw him," Marc declared, his tone firm and resolute, carrying the weight of his determination for vengeance.

As I listened to Marc's tale of vengeance, a somber realisation dawned upon me. I had failed to fully consider how my actions might affect others. The collateral damage left in my wake, the lives disrupted by my single-minded pursuit of vengeance, weighed heavily on my conscience.

It was a sobering realisation, one that forced me to confront the ethical complexities of my quest. As much as I desired vengeance, I couldn't ignore the fact that my actions had consequences beyond my own desire.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Marc," I said, trying to sound sympathetic.

"No need. It's the Moon Knight who needs to apologize." Marc took notice of my staggering. "You okay?" he asked me.

"I took a beating a few weeks back. It had me crippled for a while," I replied, wincing as I held my shins. As I looked up at Marc, my eyes widened at what I saw.

"Behind you!" I exclaimed. Marc swiftly unsheathed a machete and whirled around to slash at the threat behind him. The blade found its mark in the eye of a tree beast, and in the blink of an eye, we found ourselves surrounded by more of these grotesque creatures. I watched as Marc readied himself with his machete, prepared for the impending onslaught.

"Stay behind me at all times. You're in no condition to fight!" He commanded.

"This could be your chance to get away!" said Khonshu. He was right. While Marc was occupied with the tree beasts, I could take advantage of this moment to slip away. "Jump off the cliff. I'll open a portal while you're falling. Once you go through, run as fast as you can." I nodded in agreement. I crept over to the cliff's edge and peered down to see a portal opening below.

"This is your path," Khonshu explained. Despite Marc's relentless assault on the beasts, Khonshu warned, "You are not welcome. The journey will be perilous. When you enter, don't stop running!" I nodded in understanding, then took a leap. Marc's voice echoed as he called out my name, "(F/N)!"

As I plummeted through the air, the biting wind lashed against my skin. I plunged through the portal and landed on solid ground. Before me stretched a corridor unlike any I had ever seen in my time as Khonshu's avatar. Khonshu stood at the other end, a portal beside him.

"Run, my priest! And don't look back!" he urged. I scrambled to my feet and sprinted forward as fast as I could. Behind me, I could hear the snarls of creatures drawing nearer, hot on my trail.

"What's behind me, Khonshu?" I shouted, my lungs burning from the exertion.

"The echoes of my past fists! They do not take kindly to being disturbed from their eternal slumber," he replied cryptically.

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