Chapter 10: Kill the Taskmaster.

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Authors note: Before this chapter begins, I would like to say fuck the M.C.U. for ruining taskmaster. They dropped the ball on what could've been a great villain.

I laid on the floor; trying to remove the crescent dart from my hand, as Taskmaster towered over me.

"Now, I know what you're thinking: How the hell did you find this place? Good question." Said Taskmaster. He nodded his head in the of the unconscious Tatsumi. "Well, you can thank him for being sloppy at covering his tracks. Now, I'm going to be completely honest with you; this type of thing ain't exactly my schtick." He walked over to me and gently stepped on the crescent dart in my hand, sinking it deeper. "Murder, not really my M.O., right. You see, I'm much happier training imperial soldiers. Considering I can copy anyone's moveset and use it against them."

He grabbed the back of my head, and forced me to look at him. "Which brings me to you. Out of everyone I've ever faced, it's you I hate the most. I've copied every fighting style I've come across, but yours just pisses me off. Seriously, who has a fighting style centered around taking hits rather than avoiding them? It pisses me off so much. It almost makes me wish I was never born with photographic reflexes." He held a sword at my neck, with the intent of ending me there. "Well, I say we put an end to this. Wouldn't you agree?"

Before he could make a move, my door opened again, followed by the sound of clashing blades. I looked to see Akame crossing blades with Taskmaster. The two were locked in a battle.

"(F/N)! Tatsumi!" Leone's voice called out. I felt her carefully pick me up off the ground as Taskmaster and Akame continued their fight outside via my now broken window. "You alright?" She asked, concerned. She had her teigu activated. I nodded as I removed the crescent dart from my hand again.

"Yeah, just barely." Said a barley conscious Tatsumi. I watched as Akame and Taskmaster clashed swords, with Taskmaster mimicking her moves down to the T. I tried to walk towards the two but it resulted in me nearly falling over.

"Don't even think about it." Came Mines voice. "You're in no condition to fight." I felt Leone gently place me against the wall as she went out

To hell with that. If my god wills me to do something, it shall be done.


Under the moonlit sky, Taskmaster seamlessly mimicked Akame's every move, countering her with unnerving precision. The clash of their blades became a symphony of choreographed strikes, each parry and thrust executed flawlessly by the mimicry of Taskmaster.

"Nice try, but you can't surprise me," he taunted, effortlessly mirroring Akame's techniques. His moves mirrored hers so closely that it seemed as if she was battling a distorted reflection of herself. "Your little swordplay won't cut it against someone who can copy your every move."

Akame gritted her teeth, frustration evident in her determined eyes. She accelerated her attacks, attempting to break the eerily accurate mimicry, but Taskmaster adapted seamlessly, countering each strike with an unsettling level of skill.

"Is that all you've got?" Taskmaster mocked, a sinister grin forming beneath his skull mask. "I've studied the best, and you're just another pupil in my academy of combat."

The moon bore witness to the uncanny dance between the two, as Taskmaster continued to mimic Akame's every move with a cold precision that bordered on the supernatural.

In the midst of the intense swordplay between Akame and Taskmaster, Mine seized the opportunity to intervene, aiming Pumpkin at the mimicking menace. She pulled the trigger, and the resounding gunfire echoed through the night.

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