(Almost) Everyone Learns The Truth

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~Lloyds POV~
I look at Kai. He was just sitting here with his knees tucked to his chest and stairing off into space. He was shuddering from crying and shaking a little bit. It hurt because I felt useless to him.


I lightly touched his arm and when I did he jumped and looked at me.


I looked in his eyes and the black rings that are usually on the vary edge of his eyes have gone back to they were.

Lloyd:"Can we go home now?"

He nodded then stood and put this hands in his coat pockets.

Kai:"I need to do something first."

I watched him pull a small black hand gun out of his pocket.

All at once my thoughts stopped and he looks at me.

Lloyd:"W-were y-you....."

Kai:"Going to kill myself...yes. I would have if you didn't come."

I still was stuck with my thoughts. He looked at the gun and continued talking.

Kai:"But when you came it all hit me at once. I couldn't do it. I have to be here for Nya, the others.."

He dropped the gun next to him then walked over and placed his hands on my lil belly bump. I was looking at his hands not taking my eyes off of them on my tummy.

Kai:" You. I have to be here for you, and the baby."

I looked up at him and the black ring was where it belonged now...he wasn't sad. He was scared.

I hugged him and he hugged me back. I knew at this moment...he wasn't going anywhere.

PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT ON WHAT YOU THINK SO FAR!!! I have the next 5 chapters in mind already. haha

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