Zane, Nya, and The Phone Call

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~Zanes POV~
I was going to put some of my gi in the washer and I found Nya washing some blankets and I knew that Lloyd wanted me to talk to her and see about Kai. But my god, is this going to be awkward.


Nya:"Yes Zane."

Zane:"Um...I don't know how to say this...."

Nya:"Then just say it. To you know, like get it done and over with."

Zane:"Ok, well....Lloyd told me that he likes Kai."

After I said that her eyes went wide and she froze in her spot.


Zane:"And he wanted me to ask you about him. I guess if Kai liked him or not."

Nya:"Um...there is a problem with this. I promised Kai I wouldn't tell anyone."

I thought for a minute, then I had an idea that is so stupid I might even work.

Zane:" what if we set up a date for them?"


Zane:"And you keep your promise to Kai about not telling anyone. Because I kinda already knew but I promised Lloyd."

Nya:"Ya...hey I think I got something and I know someone who can have music. I haven't talked to them in a long time."

Zane:"Ok well we can work this out and you can call that someone you know."


After that we left and I guess when to call her friend or whatever.

I was kinda excited to talk to my friend. We met when he was visiting Ninjago City, but he has to fly back home to I think it was Ireland. I vaguely remember but I am sure he had 4 of his friends or "best mates" as he would call them.

Beginning of phone call•
(N=Nya, O=other line)


N:"Niall? Hey it is Nya, remember from when you came and visited Ninjago? I think you had 4 of your friends with you."

O:"Oh ya. But this is Harry. I can give the phone to him if you want."


O:"Sure hold on."

I could hear some faint voises in the background. And I could make out about 3 or 4 of them.


I laughted a little at the overly excited Niall on the other end of the line.

N:"Ya, hey Niall."

O:"So why did you call? Is everything ok?"

N:"Ya. I actually wanted to know if you could visit again?"

O:"Um.....I don't know me and my mates are kinda busy."

N:"Remember when you guys were here and I think it was Harry and Louis that we got together and they started dating?"

O:"Ya, why?"

N:"Well my brother likes this kid that is always with us and me ad one of my friends, Zane, we want to get them together and you were the first person I thought of when he asked if I would do it with him. So can you please visit?"

The other end of the line was quiet for a minute and I thought he hung up.

O:"Ya, me and the boys will visit. We need a brake anyway."

N:"Oh My God, thank you so much. I really appreciate it. "

O:"No problem, love. See you in a few days. Bye"


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