Love's Sacrifice

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Today, Sara was the happiest as she would marry the love of her life, Shubman Gill, the prince of the Indian cricket team. 

From the moment she had first laid eyes on him, her heart had fluttered with a love that only grew stronger with time.

 When she learned that her father had arranged her marriage to Shubman, she was overjoyed, her dreams coming true in the most magical way.

 Sara's mother, Anjali, gently called out to her, "Sara beta." 

Sara responded with a cheerful, "Yes, Mom." 

Anjali continued, "Tomorrow, the Gill family will come to visit us. Why don't you go shopping today to prepare?" 

Sara's eyes lit up with excitement, and she exclaimed, "Oh, Mom, that's a great idea! I'll call Shahneel di right away."

 Anjali smiled approvingly and left the room, leaving Sara to make her plans.

 Sara immediately dialed the number of her soon-to-be sister-in-law, Shahneel. 

As the phone rang, she could hear faint shouts in the background, voices arguing and disagreeing. 

"Hello, Sara," Shahneel answered, her voice slightly strained. 

Sara couldn't help but ask, "Hey, di, what's going on there? It sounds like a bit of chaos."

 Shahneel chuckled lightly and replied, "Oh, it's just Shubman being his usual whiny self. Don't worry about it." 

Sara's cheeks flushed with a blush as she said, "Oh, okay... So, di, are you free right now? Can you come shopping with me for tomorrow?" 

Shahneel responded enthusiastically, "Of course, Sara! I'd love to help you pick out the perfect outfit. I'll be there in fifteen minutes." 

Sara beamed with happiness as she hung up the phone. 

 With a spring in her step, Sara went to get ready.


In the vibrant cricketing world, where passion and love intertwined, Shubman Gill found himself caught in a whirlwind of emotions.

 Once upon a time, his heart fluttered for Sara Tendulkar, the daughter of the legendary Sachin Tendulkar. 

However, fate had a different plan, and his affections soon shifted towards his best friend, his confidant, and the pocket dynamite of the Indian Cricket Team, Ishan Kishan. 

Shubman's love for Ishan consumed him entirely. 

From the moment he confessed his feelings, there was no other thought that occupied his mind.

 Their bond transcended the boundaries of friendship, evolving into a passionate romance.

 Every glance, every touch, every moment shared with Ishan set his heart ablaze.

 However, life threw Shubman a curveball.

 During breakfast one fateful morning, his father dropped a bombshell, announcing his impending marriage to Sara. 

Shubman's world came crashing down. 

He pleaded with his father, hoping for understanding, but his pleas fell on deaf ears.

 His father remained resolute, insisting that they would visit Sara's family the following day to discuss their engagement. 

Overwhelmed and heartbroken, Shubman left the breakfast table, seeking solace in his car.

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