23 - The Dreaded Morning

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Morning light peeked in, harsh against Taehyung's closed eyelids. His head throbbed, a clear sign of last night's fun gone too far. The room seemed to spin as he tried to get his bearings, a feeling not at all helped by the ache in his temples and the uneasy flip of his stomach. But amidst the hangover's grip, there was a comforting warmth enveloping him, a softness that spoke of presence and closeness.

Taehyung's senses slowly tuned into the bodies pressed against his. Jungkook was snug in the middle, his back to Taehyung, offering a comforting solidity. Taehyung's arm was draped around Jungkook, holding him close, the younger's steady breathing a balm to his aching head. Even in discomfort, Taehyung found solace in the familiar feel of Jungkook's hair under his chin, the gentle rise and fall of his chest.

On the other side, Jimin faced them, an arm thrown over Jungkook in a casual hug that seemed to pull all three of them together. Jimin's peaceful expression, even in sleep, was a soothing sight, his features relaxed and content in a way that only true comfort with one's surroundings can bring.

The warmth from their shared bodies contrasted with the room's cool morning air, a cocoon of heat in the chill of dawn. Taehyung shifted ever so slightly, mindful not to disturb the others, his movement a quiet attempt to ease his discomfort without breaking the moment's peace.

Despite the pounding headache and the swirling room, Taehyung couldn't help but feel a deep sense of belonging. This moment, with Jungkook's calm breathing and Jimin's protective arm, was a reminder of the unspoken bond they shared. As he closed his eyes, trying to will himself back to sleep in the hope of escaping the hangover's grip, Taehyung's memory had begun to recollect itself.

Lying there, memories of the previous night began to filter through the haze of his hangover—

Oh my gosh we fucked.

Taehyung's eyes flew wide open once again snaking out of Jeongukk's arm. He stood over the bed looking down at the two males. Jimin was littered in hickey's and bruises, and Jeongukk wasn't any better.

The sudden movement caused Jeongukk to stir slightly opening his eyes to be met by a stressed Taehyung running his hand through his messy morning hair.

The memories seemingly hit Jeongukk a lot faster than it did Taehyung. He sat up wide doe eyes looking up at Taehyung.

The sudden movement caused Taehyung to look at him and his heart shattered into a million pieces at the sight.

The completely battered and bruised up Jeongukk was looking up at him doe eyes full of tears as his lip quivered.

"d-did we?" He began.

"Fuck! i'm so sorry, I- that wasn't supposed to happen." Taehyung curses rubbing his temples.

"This is really bad! Imagine Jimin's reaction oh my gosh he's gonna flip- His siblings are gonna kill us, Taehyung we all fucked up, an-" Jeongukk's ramble was quickly cut off by Taehyung's shushing and glare.

"That's exactly why he can't wake up yet-" But almost as if on cue to Taehyung's words the tint started to stir.

The smaller stretched awakening to look at the others. As soon as he was met with Jeongukk's appearance he screeched. Jeongukk saw Jimin's appearance as he sat up causing him to screech.

Jimin turned around seeing Taehyung butt naked standing in front of the bed causing him to scream even louder. Jeongukk took in the fact he was naked too and grabbed the sheets covering himself mortified screaming. Followed by Taehyung's screeches as he scrambled to cover himself.

All three boys screeching in unison at this very unpleasant situation.

Taehyung seemingly to be the first one to come to his senses holding up someone's jeans over his exposed dick clears his throat.

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