Gotchard Episode 22 Review

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So after two heavy episodes involving Spanner's episode, we're finally getting a chill breather episode, right?

Ahh Kamen Rider and it's mood whiplash. You never get used to it, and you still love it.

Actually, before we get to that, um, what happened with their Tricera card adventure that lead to them being dressed as cowboys?! What?

For example, Renge seemingly falling in love and the Ichinose's figuring it out immediately? Hilarious. Hotarou & Hopper1, Rinne, and Sabimaru performing a Scooby Stack: the whole characters head pops out from behind a corner with another head and another above that, but this one's more realistic since they're crouching? Hilarious.

All of them thinking it's Spanner despite the fact that Renge only sees him as a top tier guy that other guys shouldn't get jealous over? Hilarious.

Renge just out right walking past them? Hilarious.

Finding out Spanner and Kyoka were going to his parents grave that she had set up just in case he remembered those memories and the flowers he carried were for them? Actually heartwarming and sad.

If I had to critique something about this, it's that it probably would've been a good idea to actually have Spanner save or support Renge in an earlier episode accidentally, her admitting he was charming, and it not working. That would've added to the bait and switch even more.

It always brings back to two things, even though he knows Spanner doesn't like him, Houtarou still respects him as a rival and actually puts together Renge's crush is him. And it continues the trend of people trying to hide Hopper 1, only for everyone to realize too late he's trying to warn them that everything goes on is the actions of another Chemy, but we'll get to that laetr.

'Should we follow her?"

"I'm curious," that was worth a crack up.

Zukyuu having his own theme song, which doesn't sound too far from Niram's/Gazer's Non-Fiction, and being a Chemy played by an actor though, interesting. Having watching this again, now you can hear the lyrics, it's actually a pretty good beat. His powers can work on everyone, so much Houtaro even calls him a chad XD.

Wait, why is Kaijki there...which made anyone with a brain recognize that Chemy's got mental influencing powers because he definitely has Hijiki, and if that isn't touched on next episode, it'll be a disappointment but not a deal breaker. He's got his one true love, don't ruin this for him.

Although this would be a good time to recruit him for the Alchemy raid they're planning in the future. It's coming sooner or later.

He burdened himself with too much responsibility is damn right, Minato's a king! It is funny to have him being scolded by the main villain for having his students become more magnificent and stronger. Like yeah, he's feigning loyalty with the villains, but that's his job as a teacher.

What's interesting is that Atropos had a perfect opportunity to rat out Lachesis' behavior, but instead uses this to allow Clotho a power up, given her last defeat in episode fifteen. The additions to the outfit are pretty nice.

Poor Kyoka gets thrown around by a ragdoll, and it's nice to hear Valvarad's standby phase and henshin music again, it's absolutely amazing. And the fight scene between a suited user and unmasked villain is pretty awesome. Though it's cool has the most resentment that Clotho's using the "we're part of the Alchemist Academy," argument. If we had more members of the higher ups to be associated with, this would fee more impactful, but it is what it is.

And Sabimaru consists being the smartest human on the team given Zukyu Vampire, well Zukyumpire seems maliciously genuine. The Occult Chemy doesn't deny it:

But Renge's expression is priceless: her third first love. What happened with the second and the fire? The way it's framed as an expose, with her quote as her romantic eulogy fadees into black and white was just perfect.

Hey, third time's the charm doesn't work for everyone. He jus t wants the right guy for Renge.Now Sabimaru on the other hand...okay let's not go down that hole, but it is the Valentine's Day episode, but one character patching the whole in another character's this talk for next week.

It was pretty cool to see the Wild Forms be used again. We saw Bunny Parka once, but it being used to attach and pull of a crown to stop mind control is pretty fun: a evil skateboard, nah, a brainwashing negating hoodie, that's where it's at.

The odd part about this episode is the whole possessing the trio this episode. Sure we see it drain people, but Zukyu says they all want to make someone's heart pound, but do they mean romantically or through something else?

It's always nice to see team fights, a two v two, that splits up into two one versus ones, especially with the swordplay.

Plus, it's a fitting callback where Kamantis was Gotchard' first acquired Chemy after becoming Gotchard with Hopper1 and Steamliner fighting Clotho, and now she's stealing those Chemies back to use for her Mixtus hybrid Malgam. It's pretty interesting to see Fire Appareskebows Gotchard fall, making you wonder if the power overwhelmed his speed.

And while Spanner shows up to help, though he's focused on Clotho, it's nice to see he's still protecting Rinne has in a way we know isn't entirely malicious. Ange Copter's finisher is really sick, and I'm looking forward to the next episode.

There were also two aspects on another rewatch that were interesting.

Geyron officially states that Clotho is a doll made specifically for combat and brawling so he enhances her appropriately to fit that. But there's also the fact she gets a new outfit because they're in the winter season and it'd be cold as heck for the suit actors and actresses as well as Clotho's probable stunt double, and yeah, workers safety is a number one concern of mine.

But yeah, it's a bizarre start to a two parter, but it's been very interesting watch and re-watch. So what did you think of the episode?

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