Gotchard Episode 12 Review (Draft)

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Well this episode definitely got the Kekara's tongue fluid.

-Nice to see Sabimaru get a bigger role continuing from last episode. Him being alert of spatial reconfiguration, going swinging with his alchemy, and it being his knowledge and intrigue in Chemy lore that resulted in him being the dreadful subject of the Dark Sisters' plan was set up well.

-Shiroi's role in the story: I'm of two minds about this. Her motivations are pretty simple: we don't get mind control for a motivation, she genuinely wants the villains to succeed to change the world to prove her use of forbidden alchemy with full arrogance and apathy for anything that doesn't help her develop or learn more about Alchemy compared to the Academy. It paints the Alchemy in a worse light given they had an inspector have this much malice.

There's beauty in someone who sold everything for forbidden power only to end as a footnote. That being said:

This had the potential to be a character who had a long running arc or could be a great recurring villain or antagonist to explore how the Academy and the Union has created it's own worst enemy numerous times given they've had allies and traitors defect.

But props to the beginning of the episode with the three Chemies Hotaro's put in the most work to befriend: Hopper 1, Apparebushido,and Wrestler G all taking sentient form to get him out of a bind like how Fugo did in episode one.

But this episode has everyone taking Ls: Minato tanks everything from Clotho so hard she has to nail his arm to a pole to stop him, Spanner gets KOed as Valavarad but saves Rinne briefly before Lachesis takes him over, Rinne gets demolished by Lachesis, Sabimaru's forced against his will to become Dread, and Hotaro's fighting a evil Kamen Rider with Blank Chemy Cards that can mirror the original version in power and strength.

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