Gotchard Episode 8 Review (Draft)

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Subs aren't out yet, but what the heck?

So the Malgram that was hunting Gotchard and the kid was none other than his freaking father. What the hell? 

Rinne pulling out the Chocho Bullet against a child is just a hilarious shot. It's not narm, but at the same time, its funny  out of context. 

Subs are I'm late.

So long story short, this episode is about having a good balance of working and studying, as well as a healthy work-life balance, and the funny thing is, I think last episode served as a better example than that, especially with how we start out the episode.

Think about it. Spanner talks so much crap about Hotaro's methods, but last episode he prioritized his safety and the means to fight him. Sabimaru is shown to be skilled at finding Chemies and enjoys them, but didn't keep Isaac charged in case of an emergency, Rinne definitely needs to relax and unwind, but has to grow stronger to not let the Dark Sisters overwhelm her, and Renge shouldn't focus exclusively on the money: a motivation should not lead to greed.

On the topic of Rinne, I had gotten the fact she uses the Chocho Bullet wrong, it's the standard Chemy Riser's weapon function, but it's just hilarious Atropos uses crocodile tears to make random humans susceptible to her powers to seize control of them. They are taking advantage of her ages in ways I've rare seen anime do and should do in favor of less fun antics with old characters that look young.

It is nice to see that Hotaro and Rinne have Hopper 1 and Saboneedle in the opening, and given these two episodes with Riku giving Saboneedle to him, it would be nice to see the Chemies actually be around and active in the background more.

Given that some of them are props, I actually hope the prop Chemies are shown throughout like the Foodroids, since the audience is supposed to see that they are innocent creatures that just need to make sure they understand right or wrong. Previous episodes show that a lot, look at Wrestler G, but at the same time, it's also something you need to show rather than tell, and I'm hoping it has a healthy balance. 

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