Beginning of the War

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Groaning while waking up, her vision remained blurry for a few moments, giving her time to stretch so her body wouldn't lock up while getting out of bed. Sitting up with a big yawn announcing that she was awake at last, the first person Lion laid eyes on was...Jervis. well, shit. Tapping their foot with arms crossed shaking their head she could already tell this wasn't going to be a fun next few minutes. "Ehe uh hey Jervis.. how are you?" Striding forwards the destroyer would bonk her on the head with a foam pool floaty. Jervis: "That was really reckless what you did. But I guess I can let this one slide just this one time due to the circumstance." Thanking her luck the battleship had something dawn on their mind. Nodded to the destroyer, Lion felt prudent to add on her revilation. "We're at war now, Jervis. Injuries are going to happen. I'll just make sure not to take too many big risks that sound fair to you?" Thinking on it and sighing with defeat, Jervis also agreed she already knew what war brings since the great siren war. Getting out of her bed, the battleship would stretch a bit more to get all of the feeling out before turning to look at her squadmate. "So what did I miss?"

Taking a look at the scribbled down notes and time stamps she wrote down earlier, Jervis sat down and decided pretty much to just speak it all. Jervis: "Well, after you blacked out for a few hours, we were mostly looking at repairing ships that can. Those who will take time to repair have been going about their daily life to shake off the attack, the marines you brought have set up defences, patrol ships have doubled, siren mass produced models are being removed as we speak. That's about it to my knowledge." Staring out the window with grim resolve and a heart of iron the memories of seeing the battle rekindled embers of the black rage from before her blackout. Steeling herself for what's to come, her gaze locked on Jervis for nought but a heartbeat "Jervis we're going come on." Walking out the door the destroyer who was gathering her notes found herself having to quickly set it down and follow due to the brisk pace walk Lion usually had. Walking beside them, Jervis could have swore she saw flickers of anger in her flagships eyes every time she locked eyes on a burning ship, becoming a bit unsettling. The caring cheerful battleship who always had a smirk, smile or playful expression now showed only a frown.

Heading towards the main headquarters building, she would open the doors, eyes locked on one person she was looking for. In the process of that, she would ignore everyone else in the room who was present. "Wales, I'll be going on patrol. I noticed Javelin was close to a destroyer from Eagle Union. I'll be adding her to my fleet as well as Oakland, Exeter and Theseus for air cover." She could already see the shock on Wales' face, but she didn't care right now she had to find and finish any enemy that was around the area still. Turning on the spot, Lion left without giving anyone a chance to respond. Inside the room Cleveland, Wales, Illustrious, Jervis and Unicorn were all left shocked at this new behaviour. In all the interactions they had with them, never once was she like this before. Wales still left a bit stunned looked over at the destroyer for answers. Wales: "Jervis, can you explain what's going on with them?" Feeling like all eyes were now on them, they gulped a bit and shook her head. Jervis: "I'm unsure Wales. Ever since she got out, she's been like this when she saw the harbour. Perhaps it triggered something in her." Resting their head on their desk, the battleship groaned, wondering what to do.

While Wales was left guessing on the sudden change. Lion was already rounding up her fleet, all be it. 3 were confused but complied non the less as they had no reason to doubt her as it was a combat patrol. Getting aboard her ship, she would exit the ruined harbour staring at the destruction all around her quietly tucking her anger away to when it was a more appropriate time to use it. In formation was Lion at the front, Theseus was behind with york on the port side, Oakland was on the Starboard with the 4 destroyers around them. Peering through her binoculars, she would contact Theseus. "Theseus, can you take over control and launch some CAP and ASW planes? I don't want us caught out by enemy carrier aviation or submarine attack." Using her radar to also sweep the area while waiting for an answer, Lion would consult her maps, marking out areas where enemies were spotted the Sakura Empire most likely is gone but siren vessels were lurking about still. During the time she spent marking positions on her map, she got her answer from the carrier. Theseus: "I'll work on it. Anything else Lion. We'll have to turn to the east for me to launch my aircraft."

Taking the appropriate course change Lion expertly controlled her fleets movements to turn to the east without breaking up the formation. Finishing marking out the positions of suspected siren activity, she would send coordinates for her carrier to search. While preparing to split the formation up when it came to engaging surface combatants. Behind her ships Theseus having received her coordinates, would launch 3 pairs of Baracuda dive bombers to search the suspected areas while launching 4 depth charged equipped Baracudas and 8 Supermarine Seafires. Satisfied with the setup, the next course of action was to find the enemy. To her mind even if one siren vessel lurked around the area, they were all in danger. While they waited, Lion decided to get to know her fleet by organising basic training in manoeuvres. "Alright everyone, we're going to try some formation changes and tactics. Laffy, Javelin and Grenville you three will be vanguard I want you to move ahead pretend enemies are chasing you and you've successfully lured them back to the fleet before sight can be achieved I want you 3 to set a smoke screen. Understood?" Reciving a positive response, she couldn't help but smile.

Beginning the assignment, the 3 destroyers broke off. However, before it could even fully begin Grenville noticed a periscope. Triggering her automatic response from experience, she quickly diverted course and opened fire with her main guns as she closed the gap causing the submarine to fire its torpedoes prematurely and dive. Everyone else would turn bow in or change course to evade the spread. Jervis, accompanied by Oakland who herself had depth charges would activate their sonar to try find anymore the ASW planes fanning out while multiple depth charges were launched by Grenville to sink the sub. With her charges sinking rapidly they exploded rocking the subs hull with powerful shockwaves as 1 close explosion caused it's pressure hull to crush leading to it sinking. Having sunk the first one those who could began a ASW sweep everyone else that couldn't, made sure not to get in the way and keep an eye out for more.

(Alright everyone that's all for this chapter hope you all enjoyed and keep an eye out for the next chapter I'll be seeing you all soon cya later)

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