First Contact

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Surviving the first attack, Theseus scoured the area with her aircraft soon finding 2 more subs which were quickly dispatched by her ASW planes. The first being caught on the surface was mercilessly straifed from stern to bow with machine gun fire causing sparks to shower the siren sub as it was peppered by bullets making it dive allowing the planes to drop their depth charges. Much like the first sub that got attacked the second didn't fair much better being shaken by multiple explosions, making minor bullet holes turn into cracks. Taking on water from the increasing amount of damage being sustained, the submarine would join its comrade at the bottom of the pacific. Unlike the first and second the third submarine was much more unfortunate. Depth charges exploding close to the bow ended up crushing the torpedo tubes setting off the 3rd torpedo, blowing the front torpedo room straight off. Signalling back to Lion of the 3 submarines confirmed sinking. The battleship grinned. Like a shark with the taste of blood in the water; her want for more grew but in her mind she was keenly aware that she can't risk her carrier. Making plans to detach her and have Oakland protect them she set course to find and crush the remaining sirens.

"Good job everyone. Our siren enemies have been crippled, with their submarines in this area diminished if not gone. Our next course of action is to locate any remaining sirens and to purify our waters of any remaining threats. Theseus, can you launch some aircraft to find the enemy. Oakland, I want you to protect her while the main force breaks off. I'm counting on you two and have full faith in your abilities." With all words said and orders given, the main group proceeded to detach and steamed north. High above them rocket attack planes would fly past heading on their search vectors. Cutting through the water as if a steel leviathan, her ship steamed at flank speed with guns armed and ready for any enemy to dare show itself to her. She wouldn't have to wait long. Soon after the rocket attack planes took off some 15 minutes of searching later. Lions radio crackled to life with coordinates of a respectfully large siren fleet close by; eager to vanquish the forces opossing them she swung her bow round in the direction reported. In tow was her 4 destroyers and Exeter. While travelling towards the enemy a sense of uneasiness set into the fleet mostly due to the chance of encountering a high powered siren with them.

Becoming aware of the growing concerns within the fleet Lion would send out a general call to every ship in her fleet. "Attention everyone. I know you are all worried. I can't say I blame you. However, we were designed to face these enemies. Don't forget why we fight. We fight for humanity but not just them. Friends. Family. Our country. If any of you wish to back out I shall face them alone so you have a fighting chance to return to base. But if you do wish to break off, I suggest now." Looking out from the bridge, she saw nobody break formation putting a warm glow in her heart that they were willing to follow her into battle. Keeping an eye on her radar, the blips would start turning up, prompting her to sound general quarters signalling the fleet to prepare for combat. Aboard the ships anything that was flammable was being jetezend off the side so the chance of a fire starting was reduced. With Armour Piercing shells being loaded in Exeters turrets while everyone else was loading high explosive and torpedoes, all were prepared for combat. Coming into sight of the enemy, they were quick to give their reply with the mass produced models opening up with their cannons.

Flying through the air marked by purple coloured stripes, a flurry of explosive plumes of water shot towards the heavens with the first salvos missing their mark. Realising the situation she would get back on the radio, "Grenville take Javelin, Laffy and Jervis and go on the attack have a smokescreen set and break, me and Exeter will break into 2 to split their fire." Training all guns towards the enemy as her ship turned angling her hull, tense seconds passed as the destroyers led by Grenville started laying their smoke screen. With thick white clouds of smoke starting to form a tremendous series of explosive roars of an awakened angry giant consumed the area as Lions 16 inch guns sang with deadly intent swiftly followed up by the bellow of Exeters guns firing. Shaking the earth with the blaze of anger both heavy ships fired away at the enemy. Weaving and dodging in a splash of sea spray, fire and steel Exeter closed in each time she fired she would angle in making a shell richoet off her armoured belt. Aiming for the weak points she would pump rounds into the enemy keeping them distracted giving all the destroyers time to launch torpedos and break off. Racing towards their targets the warheads would explode viciously against the side of the siren ships hulls.

Halfway in a turn Lion felt a sting of pain as a shell punched all the way through and out the other side before detonating. Seeing red in her eyes she drove head first towards the siren mass produced models firing into 2 enemies with all main guns and secondaries firing her arsonist skill activating making the shells glow bright orange and detonating in huge goutes of fire setting the interior of a siren vessel ablaze which quickly spread. Shattering the back of a siren destroyer all her gun barrels began burning the paint off. From behind Exeter punished the disorganised enemy fleet from the frenzied battleship. Detonating the magazine of one of the siren ships interal explosions ripped apart the enemy. From the sides Laffy, Jervis, Grenville and Javelin were pouring fire onto the superstructure while launching more torpedoes. Within the next 30 minutes of chaos all enemy siren ships some 25 mass produced models were destroyed and sinking their smouldering remains slipping beneath the waves of the pacific. Basking in the warmth of burning mass produced models Lion slowly calmed down knowing that if any of her squadmates or worse Javelin saw her like this what it would cause.

The last thing she wanted was to see her comrades and friends see her as a bloodthirsty monster wanting nothing more then to just destroy everything she saw that didn't fly friendly colours. Taking a deep breath she contacted everyone "Girls I need a status update how is everyone on ammunition and damage?" Sitting back down on her captain chair she started getting reports. Grenville: "All our torpedos between the 4 of us are gone and about 15% of ammo give or take expended. Javelin and Laffy don't have any damage. I've only got some damage to my radar and Jervis has a malfunctioning rear turret." Jotting it down in her notes she waited for Exeters report. Exeter: "I have used up 8% of ammunition with splinter damage from some near misses." Deciding they were still fine to keep going she would suddenly get new orders from base to return to Port immediately. Unsure what could be going on never the less she complied and sent orders to return to base. With her turrets returning to the neutral position they would form up and link up with Theseus and Oakland before making their way back to base.

(Alright everyone that's this chapter done. Quite the experience for our new ship on the block both in terms of leadership and seeing actual combat for the first time. Hope you all enjoyed and I'll catch you later cya)

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