Intervention at HQ

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At HQ, a hooded figure would arrive and start walking around. Clutched close in hand hidden behind her robes was a communicator given to her by Kaga; it had been her responsibility to scout out the area for some time now, something she had performed well in giving information about a detached force approaching from Wake but they would be unable to intervine with the time it would take that force to arrive. Wondering around, the shady individual wouldn't hang around for long in the busy area as the risk of detection was too great if someone were to challenge her. Having seen all that was necessary, they would move on. All the while, the stranger poked around; Illustrious would be arriving with Unicorn in tow being greeted by a cheerful eagle union cruiser and a very much embarrassed battleship stemming from the comment made by the carrier. Meanwhile, on the other side near the anchor monument sat a sole destroyer who stared anxiously at a amulet. To be truthful since she had gotten here, most of her free time was wasted away staring at said amulet.

Sitting up, Javelin would start walking around, she had hardly noticed morning had turned into the afternoon that when she stared up at the clock tower seeing it read 1:26, she audibly gasped. Javelin: "Already 1:26?! Oh dear, I must of lost track of the time." Upon looking around, she noticed someone looking for something or someone. Being a helpful soul, they went over to introduce themselves and see if they could provide assistance, it was only when she got close did Javelin realise the individual in question also looked to be from the Royal Navy camp as well. Putting a warm smile on to be more friendly, they stopped in front of them. Javelin: "Hey there!" Her voice shook the person out of their trance and looked over, still nervous to be talking to people. Unicorn couldn't help but shake a little her voice quiet and a bit hesitant. Unicorn: "Y-you must be?" The tone of her voice was a bit timid as she tried pumping herself up to answer the destroyers' greeting. Noticing Unicorns' slight trembling curiosity got the better compelling her to ask.

Javelin: "You're from the Royal Navy camp, right? Can I ask why your shaking." Unfortunately for the utility carrier who was hoping to keep the search to herself relented. Unicorn: "My heart is broken. I lost my U-chan." Before Javelin could ask further, Unicorn clarified it for her quickly. "She's my friend." Understanding fully now the destroyer would clasp their hands around the carriers gently with a soft reassuring smile. Javelin: "Then allow me to help you find them. we can search for your friend together." Walking along the pavement together, Unicorn would notice the amulet weakly glow for a split second, catching her attention. Unicorn: "uhm.. Javelin? What is that around your neck." Pausing to think what she asked, she almost immediately got it and held her amulet. Memories coming back to her also finding out she was delayed made the wait longer as last she knew Lion was still a day out, and it had been a month since she last saw her friend. Javelin: "Oh, this? It was given to me by a friend. When I was worried, they handed it to me as reassurance, saying whenever it glows, she's nearby. It gives me comfort. In the short time we knew each other before departing, she had become very close to me. Not just that, but also very protective."

Holding the amulet a little bit more tight, she held onto those memories close. Unicorn, after hearing this, felt a bit of Deja Vu as she felt similar when it comes to Illustrious as a mother figure. Perhaps this friend of Javelin will end up the same. Continuing their search, both of them, like everyone else, was blissfully unaware of what was about to come. Out to sea first carrier division Akagi and Kaga awaited their spies report.

    (Time for a little time skip)

Heading towards the base Lion and her 2 escorts were a bit exhausted from the long trip. "I'll tell you what Jervis I'm going to be relieved when we get to the base a month at sea sure does feel a lot more different then a few days on sea trials." Nodding Jervis who had been monitoring her the entire time already knew this was likely to happen and suggested they take a day rest at Panama. Jervis: "It's just the case of getting used to it Lion once you've sailed long enough it'll become natural for you. After all the sea is apart of us but that doesn't mean you can run off recklessly sailing in the pacific you here me." With a nervous sweat Lion nodded if anything scared her from what she knew already it was testing Jervis when her strict side came out to play. Just when she was about to reassure her Lion suddenly would stop getting a radio alert. From main base. Radio broadcast: "Alert this warning is to all ships in the area main base is under siren attack and we need reinforcements." The alert would make Lions blood run cold as she realised Javelin was there not to mention everyone else.

Inside her mind Panic and a sense of dread washed over Lion almost like a tidal wave crashing against rocks. Her emotions began to get the best of them as her engines were brought up to full a large wash of sea spray being kicked up behind the battleship steaming flank speed. Noticing the amount of sea water being kicked up both destroyers also sped up to keep pace with her. "Grenville, Jervis break off and search for additional enemies. I shall go reinforce them. I need someone to cover my flank can you both do that." Looking back at the two Grenville gave a determined nod. Grenville: "Be safe Lion you won't have to worry about us." Splitting off Jervis followed. As she steamed straight into the jaws of the enemy her magazines lifts began working as 9 16 inch high explosive shells were loaded into the breach and General Quarters were sound marines she has brought aboard from Panama would do the few things they could. Man her AA guns and fire control center. Water tight doors slammed shut and locked. Some would form DC teams and the few left would go on lookout.

Rigged for stations all they could do was now wait. From their posts some could see Pearl Harbour burning galvanising the US marines on board...In the base multiple ships were on fire or sinking oil bleeding out into the water and the ones fighting were firing all their AA. Javelin was standing off against Ayanami with Laffy where she saw Unicorn fall the huge fox carrier leaning down. Screaming for Unicorn the amulet she clung to would shine with a brilliant gold the seal of the lion glowing bright in this sea of darkness compelling her to look to the side. Before the fox could cause more harm to Unicorn... An explosive roar of naval artillery rang out like thunder in a storm signalled the arrival of a new opponent the ominous sound of shells whistling soared through the air and a flury of explosions erupted from the fox sending it tumbling to the ocean.

(Well you a know how I enjoy cliff hangers so stay tuned to see the climax of the first action of this battle see you all soon and hope you enjoyed)

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