Roar of the Lion

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The area went silent if only temporarily. Smoke from Lions 16 inch main guns curled outward to the sky. Her eyes locked on the 2 fleet carriers and Ayanami with a blaze of anger that could silence all who was present. Kaga, the most easily annoyed, stared back. The mental daggers alone that both where sharing made the old phrase. 'If looks could kill' would make it a battle none could hope to forget. Before anything could truly be said, the marines aboard manning her AA guns opened fire as soon as they were in range, followed by the 5.2 inch secondaries. A cut throat roar of anger erupted from the battleships brosdside, snapping everyone out of the trance. Forced to take cover, both carriers would begin taking evasive actions. Unwilling to let them go unscathed. Lion charged in, her main guns training on akagis ship, forcing the carrier to divert all available planes towards the rampaigning battleship. Strieks of flaming red planes flew directly at her, intending to hault them in their tracks. Undeterred with her course, she would sharply turn her bow to an advantageous position for the bombers.

Opening her brosdside up allowed all turrets to train on Akagi's ship as a murderous show of anti aircraft gunfire shredded the incoming planes putting a deadly display on for all who watched. Soon after the guns lined up a cacophony of explosive rage bled the sky of it's colour when cutting loose with a full broadside. 5.2 inch shells splashed around the carrier before soon getting hits. The screaming shells that did impact would smash against her hull explosions, rocking the flagship shredding planes down bellow, opening fuel tanks, and smashing funnels or gun mounts. Screams of agony bellowed from the carrier, her sister catching her. Kaga: "HOW DARE YOU HARM MY SISTER!" Moving to direct the mass-produced siren ships to attack the sound of multiple explosions filled the sky, but the explosions weren't from shells but the bombs of dauntless dive bombers. Turning to see the grey ghost leading the counter attack aboard a fighter forced Kaga to turn and make an escape with her sister launching almost all of her aircraft but not before getting hit in the back by a bolt from Enterprise.

Crying out in pain, Kaga held her sister close and sped away. The blue flaming attack planes would assault both Enterprise and Lion, providing cover for the carriers' escape. Dodging the attacks and being too busy dealing with the planes combined with the dive and torpedo bomber attacks allowed them to escape. For her efforts, Lion was hit by no fewer than 4 bombs, causing minor damage to the superstructure. The torpedo bombers sent against her all missing with their warheads thanks to combined effective AA fire and F4F wildcats focusing them down made it that very few had the opportunity to drop their ornaments in the first place. Huffing a little from straining herself, Lion would unload the US marines by boat to help the rest in clean up and search & rescue missions. In the confusion of the air attack, Ayanami had also managed to slip out and escape. Having Demanifested the ship, she would enter port still panting and began her search for Javelin. Looking around, it didn't take them too long to spot the familiar outfit the destroyer wore. Javelin, who herself having also spotted them, rushed over to lend her aid.

Javelin: "LION!" Jumping forwards and hugging them in the biggest hug, she could muster the destroyer held on tight to the battleship, refusing to let go. Javelin: "Your ok! It was so scary that fox almost." Stopping mid sentence from Lion wrapping one arm around her the destroyer just remained silent feeling safe in the embrace. It felt like nothing could harm her with them around. While Javelin calmed down from all that happened. Lion did her best to hide the strain, being at sea for so long for the first time and going straight into combat had done a number on her. Just relieved to know the destroyer, that she considered a little sister was safe is the only thing she cared about. "You don't have to worry anymore.. I'm here for you. Now and always just as I promised you before you left [even when my guns are destroyed and my ammo has run dry, I shall fight to the very end for you] spotting Unicorn getting up slowly the thought of what the giant fox she shot at would of done if she didn't shoot suddenly brought a ice cold revelation on her which made a dangerous mix of anger and violence brew together to make a black blood boiling rage overcome her.

Unable to move out of fear from collapsing due to exhaustion caused by the strain and worry, she'll affect Javelin, who still clung to her like a child to its mother, prevented them from moving. Thankfully, she didn't have to as Illustrious acompanied by Wales came out; thinking on the motherly part, she would soon as quickly shake it away from when it popped into her mind. [I've only just met her for a little while, and these thoughts already come to my mind. What am I thinking I'm no fit to be a mother...right?] Staring over at Enterprise, they nodded their head in a 'thanks for the help' gesture. In return, the grey ghost returned the gesture before going about what they were doing. Finally letting go of Javelin, she knelt down in front. "I know we have a lot to catch up on, but can you do me a favour and help the others. I just need to do something quickly." Knowing already what they meant, Javelin nodded confidently to the battleship. Javelin: "Of course. Thank you for your help Lion you were the best." Rushing off to go and aid those who were in trouble, the destroyer gave a quick glance back before joining her destroyer friend laffy. Smiling at the sight, everything suddenly went black as they passed out, collapsing to the floor from the exhaustion, finally taking it's full toll.

(Well it seems like Lion is questioning a lot of things and won't be up for a while let me all know what you think and I'll catch you all later cya)

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